Last month, cargo traffic at Chinese ports was
amounted to 1.52 billion tonnes of cargo, with a
increase of +3.8% over May 2023, of which 971.5 million
tonnes handled by seaports (+3.5%) and 551.1 million
tonnes from inland ports (+10.3%). The only traffic with
foreign sales totalled 470.6 million
tonnes (+8.1%), of which 422.8 million tonnes passed through
through seaports (+8.6%) and €47.8 million
tonnes through inland ports (+1.6%).
In May 2024, containerized traffic handled by ports
totalled 28.8 million TEUs
(+8.1%), including 25.2 million TEUs in seaports (+8.2%) and
over 3.6 million TEUs in inland ports (+8.0%).
Beijing's Ministry of Transport has announced that in the first
In the past five months of this year, total freight traffic has
totalled 7.07 billion tonnes, an increase of +4.9%
over the corresponding period of 2023, of which €4.60 billion
tonnes handled by seaports (+4.6%) and 2.47 billion
inland ports (+5.4%). The total traffic to and from
Exports amounted to 2.22 billion tonnes of goods
(+8.9%), of which 2.00 billion tonnes in seaports
(+9.2%) and 222.9 million tonnes in inland ports (+6.4%). In the
container segment, global traffic was equal to
132.8 million TEUs (+8.8%), of which 116.5 million TEUs in ports
maritime (+8.7%) and 16.3 million TEUs in inland ports (+9.4%).