The Fratelli Cosulich group, which operates in various sectors
of the shipping industry and related activities, has
announced that in 2023 it recorded revenues of €1.9 billion
compared to €2.2 billion in the previous year.
EBITDA amounted to €49.9 million compared to €68.7 million
million in 2022 and net profit at 30.2 million euros (-42%).
"These numbers," commented the company's president,
Augusto Cosulich - demonstrate the strength of our strategy,
investments, especially in a year marked by new
geopolitical and macroeconomic challenges, such as the conflict in Europe
tensions in the Middle and Far East and the rise of
interest rates'. "As already shared," he said.
added CFO Stefano Abate - 2022 is
exceptional state thanks to a number of macroeconomic factors that
We were able to use this to our advantage. And it has
followed our best year ever in 2021, which felt like
unbeatable. After such extraordinary years, 2023 will be
Remembered as our second-best year ever."