The Conseils International des Machines à Combustion
(CIMAC), the association that deals with the issues of the development of
naval and railway propulsion systems and
power generation, has been accredited with the status
Advisory Committee to the International Maritime Organization. "We are
extremely happy - commented the president of CIMAC, Rick
Boom - that our application has been granted. We look forward to
share even more deeply with the IMO the vast
CIMAC's experience in large engines, energy,
transmission and propulsion. We are convinced that the work of the
CIMAC can contribute to the achievement of the IMO's objectives".
"In the IMO - explained the Secretary General
of the association, Peter Müller-Baum - CIMAC will focus on
on digitalisation, shaft-free propulsion,
on automation and system integration". "We
are still - added Eero Lehtovaara (ABB Marine and Ports),
Vice President for Digitalization at CIMAC - many opportunities
to optimize the state of maritime transport. Just think, for example,
efficiency gains through digitalization.
We want to encourage the maritime industry to embrace the
and implement it".