The associations of the Italian port cluster Ancip,
Assiterminal, Assologistica, Assoporti and Uniport sent today
to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini,
to the Minister of Labour and Social Policies, Maria Elvira
Calderone, Deputy Minister Edoardo Rixi and the members of the
Committees IX and XI of the Chamber of Deputies and VIII and X of the Senate a letter
to highlight the need for the
specific measures for port work are introduced.
In the letter, the associations explain that they have learned "that
some amendments to the AC measure would not be accepted
1532-bis, containing "Provisions on labour",
in particular, amendments on port work tabled both
by parliamentarians of the majority and of the opposition. In
particular - explain the organizations of the port cluster -
We refer to the amendments where it is envisaged: the identification of
some port work profiles among the strenuous jobs; the
remodulation, only formal, of the rule which, for over two years,
provides for the establishment of the fund for the incentive of the
Retirement for port workers. Especially the latter
proposal, which does not entail any additional burden on the budget
provided for an exclusively technical solution to make
finally enforceable the path of establishment of the fund with
resources that companies (by express contractual provision) and
Port System Authority (by law already
have been setting aside for several years".
"It is, we reiterate as is known - they specify in the
letter - of a technical solution identified on the basis of the
merit assessments expressed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance,
Finance and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
on the hypothesis of an interministerial decree implementing it at the time
prepared by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
Therefore, we have difficulty understanding the motivations of the
non-acceptance of proposals, in particular the one relating to the
"Fund" aimed at maintaining high standards
of safety, efficiency and effectiveness of a strategic sector such as
the port one; relevant in terms of
and the prospective stability of social and
of the Italian port sector".
"We therefore hope - conclude Ancip, Assiterminal,
Assologistica, Assoporti and Uniport - which, within the
refinement of the regulatory proposal mentioned above
(if and as far as still possible) or in another measure
regulatory in progress or in the process of being developed, the requests of the
undersigned associations".