In the second quarter of 2024, Global Ship Lease revenues
(GSL), a container ship charterer, are
amounted to $175.0 million, an increase of +8.0%
on the same period last year. Operating profit and profit
net account, with €93.8 million and €88.0 million respectively,
recorded increases of +10.3% and +13.2%. «The positive trend
of the sector that characterized the first part of this year -
said the company's executive vice president, George Youroukos,
commenting on the quarterly results - accelerated in the
second quarter of 2024. The demand for high
quality and small and medium-sized companies, such as those that
are part of the GSL fleet, has been further

supported by the continuation of the traffic disruption
maritime in the Red Sea. Almost all container ships that
transport 20% of the total volumes of containerized goods
that previously passed through the Red Sea and Suez are now
diverted to a longer and less efficient trip around
at the Cape of Good Hope. The direct impact of these journeys is more
and increased congestion and delays throughout the
supply chains are taking demand to a more
high level, absorbing the supply and pushing up the instalments of
and the value of the assets. Shipping companies
are increasingly willing to secure rentals
multi-year contracts with high freight rates and we are reaping the benefits of this phase
to set the maximum possible rental coverage".
Global Ship Lease owns a fleet of 68
container ships that have a total hold capacity of
377 thousand TEUs.