The European shipowners' association ECSA and the representatives of
alternative fuel producers FuelsEurope, eFuel Alliance,
EWABA, HydrogenEurope and Methanol Institute have formed the
Clean Maritime Fuels platform with the aim of improving the
communication between the shipping sector and the manufacturers of
fuels and to identify common challenges and possible
Solutions under European decarbonisation standards
maritime transport. The platform will focus on
policies and tools to support the production and use of
clean marine fuels in Europe, including the impact
the inclusion of shipping in the EU ETS
European Union emission allowances and related opportunities
of financing.
"Today," explained the Secretary General of ECSA,
Sotiris Raptis - the shipping and energy sectors
join forces and launch a platform for discussion that can
facilitate an improvement in the flow of information on the municipalities
challenges we are facing. We need the contribution of
all to make the energy transition possible. For
achieve our goals - specified Raptis - we have
need for clean fuels that are available on the market in
sufficient quantities and at an affordable price".