Today the call for the assignment of the
Lots of the shipbuilding district located in the East Outport
of the Canal Port of Cagliari. To the notice to collect the
expressions of interest for the settlement in these areas,
published last February
February 2024), 17 subjects had responded against a
initial availability of 13 lots and, in consideration of the
summary of the operational needs expressed by the operators
the configuration of the district had been remodeled in
more functional way by reducing the number of batches from 13 to 11
(one of 50,000 square meters; two of 27,000; four of 12,500; two of
from 7,000 and another two from 3,500).
The tender launched today will allow the assignment of the
available spaces based on the criterion of the economically
(among the award parameters set out in the call,
the organization of the shipyard, the solutions for the reduction of
environmental impact, the architectural value of the works and the
economic impact generated). As provided for by the current Plan
Port Regulator, the activities that can be established in the district
may consist of: shipyards for production,
the assembly, maintenance and restoration of boats
small, medium and large, recreational or work; Activities for
the production and maintenance of components related to the
navigation; exhibition and sale of boats and components
Specialist; management and administrative offices, assistance
navigation, communications, pro-tempore offices, premises for
the training of personnel involved in shipbuilding and
navigation; kiosks for refreshments.
Each participant will be able to submit their own offer
for one or more lots, but, in the case of applications exceeding the
availability of spaces, each participant will be able to
obtain only one concession title. In case of competing offers
on the same lot, the evaluation of the
best technical offer and, again, if the
two or more participants,
taking into account the greater economic increase in the licence fee
established by type of lot.
Bids must be submitted by 12.00 noon
Next December 2nd directly on the online competition platform
at https://albi.adspmaredisardegna.it/.