The last negotiations held were unsuccessful
in the past few hours, to prevent the start of the strike of the
port workers of the East Coast and the US Gulf ports. The
United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), the association that
represents container shipping companies whose
services dock in the ports of these regions as well as several
operators who manage container terminals in these ports
has announced that he has exchanged with the union
International Longshoremen's Association counter-proposals aimed at
avert the strike: "The USMX - explained the association
employer - has increased its offer and has also requested
an extension of the current framework contract, now that both the
parties - USMX argued - have abandoned their previous
positions. We trust that this will allow us a complete
resumption of collective bargaining on other issues in
suspended, in an attempt to reach an agreement. Our offer
- underlined the association - would increase wages by almost
50%, would triple employers' contributions to the plans
pension of employees, would enhance our
related to health care and would maintain the current
formulation relating to automation and semi-automation'.
The USMX's confidence in the resumption of negotiations is
was in vain: just after midnight the International
Longshoremen's Association has announced the closure of all
ports on the Atlantic and Gulf Coast and the beginning of the
strike. ILA confirmed that negotiations have continued
until late yesterday evening and specified that he had rejected
the latest offer presented yesterday by the USMX stating that "the
The USMX's alleged wage increase proposal was found to be
far below the demands of ILA members for
ratify a new contract. Now - underlined the president
of the ILA, Harold J. Daggett - the USMX has had its own strike. Hour
For this strike to end, they must meet our
requests". Highlighting that this is the first strike of
in all ports in these regions for almost 50 years,
Daggett specified that the union is ready "to
continue the strike for any period of time necessary,
to obtain the wages and protections against automation that our
members of the ILA deserve it".
Meanwhile, the strike proclaimed by the ILA has had full steam
support for Teamsters, the powerful American trade union association
of road hauliers: "the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, including our transportation industry associates
- announced the president of the organization, Sean M.
O'Brien - is fully supportive of the International
Longshoremen's Association in the fight for a fair contract and
fair with the ocean carriers represented by the USMX. Carriers
seafarers - denounced O'Brien - are on strike against themselves
themselves after failing to negotiate a contract that
recognized the value of these workers. Our brothers and sisters
sisters of the ILA play an essential role in maintaining the
function the American economy and deserve the highest wages
of the sector and solid protections for the crucial work carried out".
O'Brien harshly urged the government not to intervene in the
dispute between the parties, asserting that "for too long the
companies were able to count on political puppets to help them
to strip workers of their intrinsic value". The
Teamsters president concluded by announcing that truck drivers do not
they will pass the pickets set up by the port workers.