In recent days, tests of
Fully automated self-propelled machine operation
which will be used in the port of La Spezia to connect the
ships on the quay to the shore power grid, allowing
turn off the on-board engines and reduce emissions. The technicians

of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea
went to the Estonian Shore Link plant, together with
to the representatives of the contractor (Mont Ele Srl), proceeding to
verify the operating tests of the machine, with which
it will be possible to transfer the electrical connection cables
from the quayside distribution network on board the ship, and for
analyse the security systems with which it is equipped,
ensuring that they comply with the requirements of the specifications.
The transfer of the machine (Cable Management System - CMS) to the
port of La Spezia is scheduled for November.
The mission to Estonia was announced today in Naples
by the extraordinary commissioner of the Ligurian Port Authority, Federica Montaresi,
during his speech at the session "Green Ports and
Shipping Summit" as part of the "Naples Shipping
Week", during which he highlighted that the works
necessary to kick off the electrification of the quays of the
Spezia, which will end in mid-2025, proceed to
and the first of the four transformer substations,
the one that will allow cruise ships on the pier
Garibaldi to turn off the engines, is almost complete. The
cabin, which has an area of about 240 square meters, is
capable of providing 16 megawatts of power. The cost of the work is
of €8.52 million, of which €5.50 million financed by the Fund
Complementary to the PNRR.