The TESYA Group, which provides integrated B2B services and solutions
for construction, construction site management, warehouses and logistics,
organization of large events, generation of electrical power and
and for the energy transition, has provided for three new
appointments to the top management of the company assigning to Pierre-Nicola Fovini,
former chairman of CGTE as well as managing director
of Finanzauto (Spain) and vice president of STET (Portugal), the
position of Group General Manager with responsibility for
coordination of the 25 TESYA companies present in 15 countries.
In addition, Flavio Castelli was conferred the position, with
effective from next November 1, as CEO of
CLS, with the task of continuing growth in the market
and automation, and Vincent Albasini was in charge of
CEO of CGTE and the other companies of
Rental Services operating in Europe in the rental of machinery for
multiple economic sectors.
In CLS, Castelli, managing director of Jungheinrich since 2019
Italian, will take the place of Paolo Andrea Vivani, who
progressively reduce its responsibilities
after 37 years within the group. Vivani will cover up to
May 2025 the position of vice president of CLS. In CGTE, Albasini
he joins Massimo Rossi Mossuti who led the company
since 2016.