testata inforMARE
08 October 2024 - Year XXVIII
Independent journal on economy and transport policy
22:16 GMT+2
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Original news
Satisfaction of Assoporti, Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti for the hypothesis of agreement on the contract of port workers
It allows - the unions underline - the recovery of the purchasing power of the wage
October 8, 2024
The draft agreement for the renewal of the workers' contract signed this morning, which we publish below, is was welcomed with satisfaction for the employers, among the others, from the Association of Italian Ports: "we are pleased - explained the president of Assoporti, Rodolfo Giampieri, on the sidelines of the signature - of the solution that has finally been found, thanks to responsible and intense work between the signatory parties. The sense of belonging to an increasingly that is experiencing a profound transformation, as we have had the opportunity to underline on several occasions, and we are confident of the success of the last deliberative steps of each part. The importance of the value and centrality of port workers - underlined Giampieri - was the characterizing element of the negotiation between trade unions and employers' associations".

"The hypothesis of renewal - they specified for the part trade unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti - with an increase to 200 euros on the salary part and 120 euros per year welfare with 600 euros of contractual vacation, allows the recovery of the purchasing power of workers' wages strongly eroded in recent years where there has been high inflation. In addition, a day off from 2025 and a re-evaluation of the seniority increments. To further enhance the contract - the three unions highlighted - has been the element of remuneration protection to be recognized by the 2027 if the next renewal does not take place on time Preset. Now, as usual, the floor passes to the workers called upon to ratify the aforementioned understanding".


Addì 08/10/2024 le segreterie nazionali delle OOSS Filt CGIL, Fit CISL, UIL Trasporti con le rispettive delegazioni e le Associazioni datoriali Assoporti, Assiterminal, Assologistica e Fise Uniport alla presenza della Ancip quale uditore convengono quanto segue:

Per la parte economica verranno riconosciuti, a regime, i seguenti elementi retributivi:
  • 150,00€ lordi (centocinquanta,00) euro mensili minimo conglobato (per i livelli diversi dal IV il Minimo Conglobato - MC - varia nella misura come da tabella A che segue);
  • 50,00 lordi (cinquanta,00) euro per 13 mensilità Elemento Distinto della Retribuzione - EDR come da articolo 15 CCNL;
  • 120,00 {centoventi,00) euro annuali di “welfare” da distribuirsi in misura da convenire tra le parti tra polizza sanitaria ed EBN;
  • Una Taittum di 600,00€ (seicento,00) (di cui 350,00€ lordi parte retributiva e 250,00€ welfare - nel rispetto della normativa vigente). I Lavoratori potranno chiedere di destinare, su base volontaria, la corresponsione dell'intero importo come welfare;
  • A decorrere dal 1/11/2026, fermo rimanendo il valore degli scatti di anzianità previsti all'art. 16 lett. A. del vigente CCNL, adeguare la rivalutazione degli scatti maturati in azienda con lo stesso meccanismo previsto per il personale delle ADSP all'art. 16 lett. B. ultimo comma del CCNL del lavoratori dei porti.
Gli elementi di cui sopra saranno corrisposti al lordo ed attribuiti nelle seguenti tempistiche:
  • prima tranche 90,00€ (40,00€ MC +50,00€ EDR) da corrispondersi a Novembre 2024;
  • seconda tranche 50,00€ da corrispondersi a Dicembre 2025;
  • terza tranche 60,00€ da corrispondersi a Dicembre 2026;
Una tantum di 600,00€ uguale per tutti i livelli che non avrà incidenza su qualsiasi altro istituto contrattuale, da corrispondersi in 3 tranches:
  • la prima (150,00€ quota retributiva + 50,00€ welfare) a Novembre 2024;
  • la seconda (100,00€ retribuzione + 100,00€ welfare) a Luglio 2025;
  • la terza (100,00€ retribuzione + 100,00€ welfare) a Luglio 2026;
  • introduzione per questa vigenza contrattuale di un elemento di anticipo del futuro rinnovo (A.F.R.), da corrispondersi a decorrere dal periodo di paga di luglio 2027, interamente riassorbibile dagli aumenti del successivo rinnova (2027/2029), da corrispondersi solo in caso in cui il successivo rinnovo del CCNL non avvenisse entro il 1° luglio 2027. L'importo di tale elemento, qualora maturassero le suddette condizioni, sarà pari al 40% della variazione dell'indice IPCA prevista per l'anno 2027.
    Da Gennaio 2028, qualora non sia nel frattempo intervenuto il rinnovo contrattuale, la suddetta percentuale passerà dal 40% al 60% della variazione dell'indice IPCA prevista per l'anno 2027.
    La Base di calcolo per la determinazione degli importi di cui al presente punto sarà parametrato al minimo conglobato del livello di riferimento: a titolo esemplificativo, per il quarto livello, il minimo conglobato è pari a 1.955,00€.
  • Resta inteso che anche in caso di rinnovo contrattuale antecedente al mese di luglio 2027, non maturerà alcun elemento economico per il periodo dal 1/1/2027 al 30/6/2027.

Tabella A

Livelli Valori retribuzione 2023 Minimo conglobato Totale
1.460,01 € 141 € 1.601 €
50 €
1.625,20 € 144 € 1.769 €
50 €
1.703,44 € 147 € 1.850 €
50 €
1.804,96 € 150 € 1.955 €
50 €
1.920,84 € 153 € 2.074 €
50 €
2.076,80 € 156 € 2.233 €
50 €
2.229,03 € 159 € 2.388 €
50 €
Quadri imprese 2.383,74 € 162 € 2.546 €
50 €
Quadro B Adsp 2.432,94 € 166 € 2.599 €
50 €
Quadro A Adsp 2.681,80 € 169 € 2.851 €
50 €

Per la parte normativa, le parti convengono su quanto segue:
  1. valenza delle sanzioni disciplinari: inserire nel testo dell'accordo di rinnovo la previsione che «all'art. 33 nel periodo “non si terrà conto a nessun effetto dei provvedimenti disciplinari decorso un anno dalla loro comminazione” si aggiungono le parole “salvo che per i provvedimenti disciplinari comminati per comportamenti in contrasto cori le previsioni normative (D.lgs. 81/08) e contrattuali in materia di salute, sicurezza ed igiene sul lavoro dei quali si terrà conto per due anni dalla loro comminazione”». In fase di prima applicazione di questa previsione si procederà, su richiesta di una delle parti, ad un monitoraggio;
  2. Micromorbilità: entro 90 giorni dalla stipula del rinnovo CCNL attuare, attraverso apposito gruppo di lavoro paritetico, un monitoraggio bilaterale continuo, con l'incarico di analizzare l'incidenza degli eventi morbosi brevi (da 1 a 5 giorni), rispetto al totale degli eventi morbosi, al fine di individuare eventuali misure attive idonee a ridurre il fenomeno in questione;
  3. Incremento di due notti utili a determinare il passaggio dalle 38 alle 36 ore (cfr. norma integrativa art. 5);
  4. Aumento delle ore di formazione obbligatoria in ingresso di 2 ore per tutte le categorie contemplate in materia di sicurezza sul lavoro;
  5. Chiarimenti a verbale su art.52 “contrattazione di II livello” per le sole AdSP, come da allegato;
  6. Attribuzione di una giornata di ferie aggiuntiva a decorrere dall'anno 2025;
  7. Apprendistato: ampliamento delle fattispecie ai sensi del D.lgs, 81/2015;
  8. Adozione di un protocollo condiviso sulla parità e contro la violenza di genere;
  9. Entro 90 giorni dalla stipula del rinnovo CCNL le parti istituiranno un apposito gruppo di lavoro paritetico finalizzato all'analisi propedeutica all'eventuale revisione del protocollo RLS di sito.

Dichiarazioni delle OOSS e delle parti datoriali

La presente ipotesi di accordo sarò sottoposta alla consultazione entro il 25 ottobre 2024 secondo quanto previsto dagli accordi Interconfederali con le modalità che le OOSS definiranno tra le lavoratrici ed i lavoratori interessati.

Le associazioni datoriali si riservano di sottoporre la presente ipotesi di accordo ai propri organismi deliberanti.

Successivamente, nel caso di esito positivo delle consultazioni, si procederà alla sottoscrizione formale dell'accordo.
››› News file
Satisfaction of Assoports, Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltransport for the assumption of agreement on the contract of port workers
It allows-they stress unions-the recovery of the purchasing power of the wage
In the first half of 2024, FS Italiane's Logistic Pole posted record operating revenues and rising 13.0%
Net profit of 65 million euros, down from 22 million euros
Initiates the agreement for the renewal of the contract of port workers
Initiates the agreement for the renewal of the contract of port workers
Assiterminal, in the end the responsibility of all of them prevailed
Turkey's METAG Holding has signed an agreement for the construction of the Somali port of Hobyo
Turkey's METAG Holding has signed an agreement for the construction of the Somali port of Hobyo
It is located near the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb
In August, freight traffic in the port of Ravenna fell by -3.1% percent.
The crucierists also diminishing (-12.1%)
GDP renews an agreement with the Singamas subsidiary for the supply of new containers
Hong Kong
Extraordinary quarterly earnings growth of China's COSCO Shipowners Group
Forecasts indicate EBIT values and net profit related to the third quarter increasing by +248,9% and +281,0%
Guidance of BIMCO and ICS for the reduction of submarine noise produced by ships
Bagsværd / London
The adoption of energy efficiency measures helps to determine its reduction
The new Italian Customs Code-denounces the shipping community-favours the coffers of other EU countries.
The Spezia
Unavoidable-they stress maritime agents, customs and freight forwarders-the escape of loads and goods to customs clearance in other EU Customs
Brussels authorizes MSC group to buy French Clasquin and enter capital of HHLA
In both cases, operations do not cause competition concerns.
A maximum agreement between ILA and USMX ends the strike in the ports of the East Coast and Gulf States
Lyndhurst / North Bergen / Washington
The current contract of the port workers has been extended until January 15, while the negotiations will resume.
Extended the duration of the Aqaba Container Terminal Concession Contract
The Hague / Amman
It is managed by the joint venture between the Aqaba Development Company and the APM Terminals
Le Aziende informano
ITS Costruttori, il futuro dei cantieri inizia in Accademia
Oltre 420 posizioni aperte in 17 corsi totali, con un tasso di occupazione post diploma di circa il 95% in media
In August, Chinese seaports recorded the new historical record of container traffic
In August, Chinese seaports recorded the new historical record of container traffic
However, the trend of growth in goods and container traffic continues to dampdown.
The willingness to maintain and develop leadership in the transhipment of the port of Gioia Tauro is in the hands of the government
Agostinelli : It is a port with infinite margins of growth, but at the same time it is a Colosso di Rodi
Salvini : case law does not affirm any right of shipping firms to self-production with on-board personnel
Salvini : case law does not affirm any right of shipping firms to self-production with on-board personnel
"There is no liberalisation of the port activities for revings and deriding operations," the minister said in response to a question to the Chamber of Deeders.
Free Wheels, the increase in diesel excise taxes is an unacceptable assumption
Franchini : The government has empty pockets, but to take charge of the problem cannot be the drivers
Biden stands with the ILA and urges the USMX to present a better offer for the renewal of the East Coast and Gulf Coast Port Workers ' contract
Biden stands with the ILA and urges the USMX to present a better offer for the renewal of the East Coast and Gulf Coast Port Workers ' contract
The Department of Transport has called on behalf of the government to maritime carriers to revoke their surcharge
Business calls for Joe Biden to suspend strike at US Atlantic and Gulf ports
Washington / Genoa
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, it would be unresponsive to allow a contractual dispute to inflict such a shock on our economy. Heavy, warns Spediport, repercussions on the port of Genoa
Indian government activates a five-year plan to double down on cruising traffic
Envisioned the modernization of port terminals and the realization of new infrastructure
The strike began in the ports of the East Coast and Gulf States.
Lyndhurst / North Bergen
The ILA has rejected the latest advance bid in the past hours by the USMX. Teamsters announced that truck drivers will not cross the pickets of port workers
Carnival cruising group collects another record quarter
Carnival cruising group collects another record quarter
Positive the outlook for fiscal year 2025
In the second quarter, the traffic of the containers handled by the Eurokai port terminals grew by 9.6% percent.
In the second quarter, the traffic of the containers handled by the Eurokai port terminals grew by 9.6% percent.
In Germany the volume was 1.8 million teu (+ 8.3%), in Italy of 446mila teu (+ 8.6%) and in the other foreign terminals of 872mila teu (+ 12.8%)
Port of Gioia Tauro, on October 14, 10th meeting for the eventual constitution of the ex-art enterprise. 17
Joy Tauro
In case of failure of the negotiation, the extension of the Labour Administration Agency will be solicited.
Cancelled the order of the Zéphyr & Borée to HMD for five wind-propelled container vessels
Termination of the contract at the request of the French shipowner
The Japanese group "K" Line sells 47% percent of the "K" Line Logistics to the countrywide Kamigumi
The transaction will be implemented next April
To avert the strike in ports USA the USMX submits an appeal against the ILA
Lyndhurst / North Bergen
Asked for an immediate injunction that would require the union to resume negotiations.
South Korea's Hanwha disclaims takeover of Austal
Seoul / Sydney
Australian company will enhance its Mobile shipyard in Mobile, Alabama
SBB CFF FFS Cargo orders to Stadler Rail 36 multisystem electric locomotives with option for an additional 93 medium
Mercitalia Logistics has entered Assologistics
Bussalino : Piedmont is aiming for the creation of a retro-port system on its own territory
Terminal Investment Limited (MSC group) will carry out a container terminal in the Danish port of Aarhus
ESPO and FEPORT are calling for a mandatory tax exemption across the EU for onshore power supply
Indispensable-they stress-to encourage ships to use OPS
Shipping is not at all on the right track to achieve decarbonisation goals and the next 12 months will be crucial
London / Brussels
It highlights the third annual report "Progress Towards Shipping's 2030 Breakthrough". ECSA proposals to speed up production and adoption of clean fuels
In the first eight months of 2024 the port of Barcelona handled 2,660,122 containers (+ 22.1%)
Accentuated upside (+ 41.3%) of the transshipment containers
Baker Hughes to renounce industrial settlement in the port of Corigliano Calabro
Joy Tauro
Agostinelli : who did not want this project to enjoy this tragic victory!
VARD will build a Commissioning Service Vessel to Navigate Capital Partners
Trieste / Ålesund
It will be delivered in the second quarter of 2027
Liguria, Piedmont, Lombardy, Apulia, Calabria and Liguria have signed up to the Mit.
The Regions integrate with own resources the state appropriation
Fatal accident in the port of Naples
A worker lost his life overwhelmed by a mechanical means
Partnership of Magellan Circle and EETRA to promote sustainability in the port and logistics sectors
Agreement for the design and realization of a new maritime railway station in Savona
The link between the Savona Parco Doria station and the new plant is expected to be adapted.
In the third quarter, the revenues generated by the OOCL container business grew by 73.7%
Hong Kong
Volumes of truckloads transported increased by 3.6%
On Wednesday, Padova will take over the third edition of Green Logistics Expo
Among the appointments, the States Generals of the Logistics of the North East and Mercintrain
Three new appointments to top executives of TESYA group companies
Pierre-Nicola Fsheep new general manager of group, Flavio Castelli new CEO of CLS E Vincent Albasini new CEO of CGTE
Rixi : winning idea for a maritime country is the possibility of having foreign shareholdings with concessions in extra-European ports
They would be useful-he explains-to stabilize the logistical lines in every geopolitical condition
Port of Spezia, in mid-2025 the electrification of the Molo Garibaldi will be completed
The Spezia
In recent days in Estonia the test of the robot from the quay will connect the power grid to the ship.
Visual Sailing List
Departure ports
Arrival ports by:
- alphabetical order
- country
- geographical areas
New training project of Assologistics in collaboration with Randstad Italia
Creation of a digital platform to facilitate management and fruition of training courses
A Vietnamese delegation in Geneva to increase cooperation with MSC
Proposal participation in the project of the new deep-water port in Lien Chieu (Da Nang)
A strike blocks the ports and airports of Corsica
Protest against the assumption of entrusting its management through a contest
The Transport Regulatory Authorities of Italy and France have started a cooperation
Paris / Rome
T&E, the only system based on a Global Fuel Standard is not enough to decarbonize shipping
The organization highlights the need for it to be accompanied by the application of a global tax on emissions
The AdSP of the East Ligurian Sea completes acquisition of 2.4% of the capital of CEPIM-Parma Interport
The Spezia
Buy the share of the Municipality of La Spezia and of the Riviere Chamber of Commerce in Liguria
The Logistics Pole of the FS Group adjusts the Trenord competition for the logistics of spare parts
Contract worth about 17.5 million euros
Ferfreight proposals to prevent the rail sector from cada in a deep crisis
Forecasts for 2024 indicate a further loss of -6.7% of cargo rail traffic
Spanish logistics group Paack gives up Italian subsidiary Paack Logistics Italy to GS&P
Barcelona / Milan
The company has two distribution hubs in Monza and Naples and six sustainable centres on the national territory
The ETF enters the shipping industry with a new liquefied natural gas vessel.
Purchase in partnership with Danish Celsius Shipping
Giuseppe Scognamiglio leaves the leadership of Forship Spa
By the end of the month the delivery of deliveries
International Transport Workers ' Federation expresses full support for American port workers
Crumlin : "the fight of the ILA is our struggle"
Laghezza will expand the activities in the retroport of La Spezia and will also take office in the retroport of Genoa
The Spezia
A new logistics hub will be made in the area of Tortona
Tomorrow, the Federation of the Sea celebrates its 30-year anniversary with a conference in Naples
Theme of the meeting : "The Mediterranean in history : from Mare to Middle Ocean"
Italian Ports:
Ancona Genoa Ravenna
Augusta Gioia Tauro Salerno
Bari La Spezia Savona
Brindisi Leghorn Taranto
Cagliari Naples Trapani
Carrara Palermo Trieste
Civitavecchia Piombino Venice
Italian Interports: list World Ports: map
ShipownersShipbuilding and Shiprepairing Yards
ForwardersShip Suppliers
Shipping AgentsTruckers
Tomorrow, the Federation of the Sea celebrates its 30-year anniversary with a conference in Naples
Theme of the meeting : "The Mediterranean in history : from Mare to Middle Ocean"
On Friday in Naples a seminar on Health and Safety in the Port of Port : the applicable legislation "
Organized by Inail Campania and Assshipowners with the Ateneo "Parthenope"
››› Meetings File
The Overlooked Legacy of Black Dockworkers: Forging Justice On America's Waterfronts
Is Pakistan's bid to kickstart Chinese-run Gwadar port putting 'cart before the horse'?
(South China Morning Post)
››› Press Review File
FORUM of Shipping
and Logistics
Relazione del presidente Nicola Zaccheo
Roma, 18 settembre 2024
››› File
Accelleron strengthens the partnership with HD Hyundai to which the production of radial turbochargers in Korea is entrusted
Expected reductions in delivery times and transport costs for Asian market customers
Stable passenger traffic carried this summer by GNV ships
6% increments of volume with Sardinia and 7% with Morocco
Appeal of the Propeller Club of Trieste not to overlook the offices of customs in service of the Julian port
Zerbini : The stir deserves what has been done for the port of Genoa
Spliethoff orders Wuhu Shipyard the construction of eight multipurpose ships
They will be taken in delivery starting from the first quarter of 2028
At the port of Augusta a plant has been activated to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and stockpile it in the marine ecosystem
The cruise ship was launched in Monfalcone. Star Princess
Trieste / Fort Laurderdale
Fincantieri will deliver the unit to Princess Cruises in the fall of 2025
ECG calls for a transition period for the application of German guidelines on the rizzing of vehicles on bisarche
Less than half of the trucks received certification
Sea-Intelligence analyzes the impact of EU ETS on shipowner alliances
More costs for Ocean Alliance. Gemini Cooperation and Premier Alliance on the same floor. MSC would be more advantaged
Attic buys the fast ferry Thunder of Fast Ferries for 17.75 million euros
Built in 1998, it has a capacity of 1,068 passengers and 215 cars
The luxury cruise ship Seabourn Odyssey go from Seabourn to the Mitsui Ocean Cruises
It is the second ship of the company of the Japanese group MOL
PowerCell Group has acquired in Italy an order for marine fuel cell systems
Will be delivered 56 units that will be installed largely on cruise ships
Rixi : confirmed target of funds from ETS to increase in resources for the Sea Modal Shift Incentive
"We are seeking to recover the funds allocated for the unused 2022 percent," he said.
In strong growth the operational and economic performance of Global Ports Holding
In the January-August period, passenger traffic in cruise terminals increased by 29% percent
Proposals from the TEHA Group think tank to stimulate the competitiveness of the Italian maritime industry
The second edition of the Sea Resource Forum is underway in Palermo.
Montaresi appointed commissioner of the Port Authority of the East Ligure Sea
Rixi : With Montaresi we guarantee continuity, waiting for the appointment of the new AdSP Summit
Greek CCEC sells five container ships from 5,023 teu for 118.4 million
They were built in 2013
Di Caterina (ALIS) : No to strikes or blocks of intermodal transport services with Sicily
Satisfaction with the commitment of MIT to target ETS tax funds in support of maritime intermodality
Alsea and Spediporto, Italian export could further grow by improving accessibility to European markets
Additional hurdles and burdens to overcome the Alps barrier
In the imminence of the strike in the ports of the East Coast and the Gulf USA the FMC urges carriers and terminalists to abide by the standards
North Bergen / Lyndhurst
Assiterminal appoints the components of the committees and working groups
They will remain in office in the three years 2024-2026
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phone: +39.010.2462122, fax: +39.010.2516768, e-mail
VAT number: 03532950106
Press Reg.: nr 33/96 Genoa Court
Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio
No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher
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