The call published on 25 September by the Authority
of the Port System of the Northern Adriatic Sea open to
Italian and EU companies for the identification of the company
authorized to provide temporary port work in the port
of Venice pursuant to Article 17 of Law No. 84 of 1994, in
deadline of 28 October, has sparked protests that have resulted in
in the proclamation of an indefinite strike by the employees of the
New Venice Port Workers Company, the subject
temporary port work provider pursuant to Article 17 of Law 84/94
in the Venetian port, by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl and Uiltrasporti
Veneto. In particular, the workers' representatives
disputed the lack of clarity of the call "with respect to the
qualifying points of those shared guidelines such as the
social status' as well as 'all the elements that
concern normal trade union relations in the workplace such as,
for example, the application of first and second bargaining
level to safeguard income levels".
According to the secretary general of Uiltrasporti, Marco
Verzari, "the choices adopted by the Port Authority of the Adriatic Sea
for the port of Venice represent yet another
attempt to unhinge the current balance in the port system
national team'. "Given that it is certainly not ours
intention to enter into the merits of the definition of the tariff that
regulates the relationship between the temporary work provider and the
companies and port terminals - added Verzari - what is
happening in the port of Venice is certainly not to be ascribed
to a marginal and/or local problem. Instead, it is in fact a
Trojan horse to destabilize the entire port system and
economic and social imbalances with repercussions on the
workers and repercussions on investments and resources
essential for health and safety in the workplace. What's more,
this happens in the presence of a rule, such as that
of differentiated autonomy, through which Veneto asks
exclusive competence also on ports and motorways, further confirming
more the risks on the destructuring of the economic system
and infrastructure of the entire country".
Recalling that "even in particularly critical phases,
such as the one experienced with Covid, the port system
has contributed decisively to supporting the country,
by virtue of the competence and professionalism of the
workers and the effective balance guaranteed by the
Law 84/94", the Secretary General of Uiltrasporti
explained that "for this reason we support the reasons
claimed by the port workers of the port of Venice and we believe
that the Port Authority should substantially revise the provisions of the
call for proposals, taking into account the observations and needs of the
world of work".