In the first nine months of 2024, the port of Palermo handled
5.95 million tons of goods, with a decrease of -2.5% on the
same period last year, of which 3.76 million tonnes
of loads at landing (-0.7%) and 2.19 million tons
boarding (-5.5%). The decline was determined by the
reduction in rolling stock traffic, which amounted to
overall to 5.32 million tons (-3.9%). In
Dry bulk cargo also decreased with 80 thousand tons (-2.1%).
Liquid bulk cargo grew by +13.4% to 418 thousand tons and
containerized goods also increased with 130 thousand
tons (+10.6%).
In the passenger sector, ferry traffic marked
an increase of +1.2% with 1.25 million passengers and traffic
recorded an increase of +5.1% with 704 thousand
passengers, of which 131 thousand at disembarkation/embarkation (+10.1%) and 573 thousand in
transit (+4.0%).
Among the other ports under the jurisdiction
of the Port System Authority of the Sicilian Sea
Western, total traffic in the first nine months of 2024
of goods in the port of Termini Imerese has been
695 thousand tons (-37.4%), of which 509 thousand tons of rolling stock
(-44.4%) and 185 thousand tons of dry bulk (-4.4%); The port of
Trapani handled a total of 445 thousand tons (-0.6%),
including 291 thousand tons of miscellaneous goods (+17.2%) and 150 thousand
tons of dry bulk (-19.9%); the port of Porto Empedocle
handled 319 thousand tons (-8.1%), of which 241 thousand tons
of dry bulk (-10.8%) and 78 thousand tons of miscellaneous cargo
(+1,8%); the ports of Gela and Licata, which have recently come under the
management of the Port Authority of Western Sicily, have moved
respectively 1.29 million tons of petroleum products
refined and 93 thousand tons of dry bulk cargo.