In the past few hours in the USA the drawing of
bipartisan "SHIPS for America Act" which
the aim of boosting US activities in the
shipbuilding and maritime trade sectors,
while strengthening national security, in particular -
as explicitly claimed by the promoters of the initiative
- responding to the challenge posed by China on the
oceans. The "Shipbuilding and Harbor
Infrastructure for Prosperity and Security (SHIPS) for America Act",
which was presented for the Democrats by Senator Mark
Kelly (Arizona) and by Congressman John Garamendi (California) and for the
Republicans by Senator Todd Young (Indiana) and Congressman Trent
Kelly, Mississippi, plans several measures to strengthen the entire
U.S. shipping industry, starting with the establishment of
a Marine Security Advisor within the government administration
and, chairing the Maritime Security Board, the new
body envisaged by the bill, would have the task of
make decisions on behalf of the government on the implementation of a
national maritime strategy developed by the Maritime
Security Board. In addition, the draft law provides for the creation of
of a Maritime Security Trust Fund, an instrument that would have the
function of reinvesting duties and taxes paid by industry
maritime security programmes and
construction of infrastructures to support maritime trade.
The bill, supported by leading organizations
and American shipping companies, also provides for the creation of
a strategic commercial naval fleet consisting of a minimum of
ten ships two years after the implementation of the law to arrive
to a maximum of 250 ships as well as the increase in
competitiveness of the US flag ships used
in international trade through the establishment of a Rulemaking
Committee on Commercial Maritime Regulations and Standards
would have the task of reducing bureaucratic obligations and
require that from 2029 onwards a share of goods imported for
by sea from China to be transported by flag ships
American, manned and built in the USA,
a share that would be equal to 1% of the total in five years
from the implementation of this section of the standard to the
10% 14 years after the introduction of the measure.
The bill also focuses on the strengthening of the
American shipbuilding, and in relation to the production of
merchant and military ships, establishing a tax credit of the
25% for investments in shipyards and establishing a
Financial Incentive Program for Construction and Repair
in support of innovative approaches in this sector. The
promotion of innovative approaches is also envisaged in the field of
naval design and production and energy systems for
shipping through the establishment of a U.S. Center for Maritime
With regard to employment in the maritime sector, the proposal
The SHIPS for America Act provides for the implementation of
recruitment and training of staff accompanied by large
investment in the workforce.
Highlighting that currently there are only 80 ships employed in the
international trafficking that flies the US flag against the
5,500 from China, Senator Mark Kelly noted that if the
The United States has always been a maritime nation, "however
- he noted - the truth is that we have lost ground
compared to China which now dominates maritime transport
international and can build merchant and military ships
much faster than us. The SHIPS for America Act - has
underlined the senator - is the answer to this challenge.
Supporting shipbuilding, maritime transport and
development of the workforce, we will strengthen supply chains,
we will reduce our dependence on foreign ships, we will put the
Americans working in high-paying jobs, and we will support the
shipbuilding needs of the Navy and the Guard