The electrification project starts from Portovesme airport
of the ports of Sardinia with the installation on the quays of
cold-ironing systems that will allow ships at berth to
turn off the on-board engines and connect to the electricity supply of
earth. About a year after the award of the integrated contract
for the final design, executive design and construction
of the plant, today, in fact, the works that
will be the first to affect the port of Portovesme and which provide for
the electrification of the ferry quay which, once
once the excavation of the seabed has been completed, it will host the ships
which connect the port with Carloforte.
Specifying that the amount for the implementation of the
electrification of the Portovesme quay is about 2.15
million euros, the Port Authority of the Sea of Sardinia has
specified that it is therefore a small slice of the large and
complex project awarded last year to the consortium
of companies established by Nidec Asi Spa and Ceisis Spa
Integrated Plant Systems winner of the procedure
public evidence for a total design amount
(final and executive) and works, totalling 51.76
million euros, entirely financed with PNRR funds. The other 40
millions of the funding will be used, instead,
for the construction of connections with high-speed substations
voltage of the national electricity service. Seven in all
electrification plants envisaged by the project, whose works
will also depart, in the coming months of 2025, in the ports of Cagliari,
Olbia - Isola Bianca, Golfo Aranci, Santa Teresa and Porto Torres. One
once the construction sites have been completed, the Port Authority will proceed with a further
call for the identification of the operator who will take care of the
management, maintenance of the quay facility and supply
of electricity to ships.