The temporary grouping of companies consisting of a Consortium
Stabile Cantiere Italia and Acreide of Naples was awarded the
the integrated contract for the joint assignment of technical services
related to engineering and architecture related to the
executive design, execution and works for the
construction of cold ironing systems in the ports of Bari and
Toast. The work involves the installation of a network of systems for
the supply of electricity from the shore to the ships during the
mooring phase in order to minimize the use of the engines
On-board auxiliaries for the self-production of electricity
significantly limiting emissions of CO2, oxides of
nitrogen and fine particles, as well as the acoustic impact. It is also
the construction of energy production plants is planned
electricity from photovoltaic sources, to partially cover the needs of the
energy deriving from the activation of cold ironing systems.
The amount of the contract is over 28 million euros and is
funded under the PAC 2014/2020 (Action Programme and
Complementary cohesion to the NOP for Infrastructure and Networks 2014-2020) to which
the Port System Authority of the Southern Adriatic Sea
had been admitted to funding ranking second
out of 14 projects presented.
The Port Authority has announced that pending the signing of the contract,
will be able to proceed by this month of January, in the process of
urgency, to the delivery of the contract. In the port of Bari will be
electrified two berths at the Darsena di Ponente, while in the
port of Brindisi, two berths will be electrified at the
Punta delle Terrare quay. The plants will be sized
in order to ensure the simultaneous power supply of two ships
ro-ro/ro-pax through the installation of a
6.5 MW power with 11 kV output ready for a future
expansion of the facility that also allows the docking of ships from