With the awarding of the works at the end of last year to the
temporary grouping of companies set up between ICM Spa
(agent) and Fincantieri Infrastructure Opere Marittime Spa, Eni
Rewind Spa, Semataf Srl and Fincantieri Infrastructure Spa, is
the start of the works for the "Safety
and industrial conversion, economic development and
production of the 'former Belleli Yard' site in the port of Taranto".
The intervention, which sees Sogesid as the contracting authority, the
"in-house" engineering companies of the ministries
Environment and Infrastructure, has a value of 135.3 million
of euros and is financed from funds of the Region
Puglia, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and on
own funds of the Port System Authority of the Ionian Sea.
The Port Authority recalled that in 2020, with an agreement of the value
of 45.5 million euros, the extraordinary commissioner of the port of
Taranto, Sergio Prete, had commissioned Sogesid to
complete the activities for the permanent safety of the
aquifer in the area located within the Site of Interest
National of Taranto, right next to the former Ilva land and
close to the fifth protruding of the Ionian port. The intervention is
was subsequently included in the "Cooperation Agreement"
programme for the implementation of the integrated project for the implementation of the
Security, industrial conversion and productive economic development
in the Taranto area Ex Yard Belleli", signed in July
2022, which provided, following the completion of the remediation
of the area, the settlement of the shipbuilding group
Ferretti. Following the withdrawal by the Ferretti Group, the
Cantieri di Puglia company has submitted a request for takeover,
which is being evaluated by the subscribers
of the program agreement.
The port authority highlighted that, with the completion of the
last acts, it will be possible to immediately start the
executive design and, pending definition
of the possible takeover of the programme agreement of the new
private operator, including the execution of reclamation works and
redevelopment of the areas and their docks, providing the
Ionian port of spaces and infrastructures to be used for new
productive activities. The same areas, among other things, are
also included among those candidates for the development of the so-called
offshore wind hub assessed by the
Ministry of the Environment.