In 2024, there were 116 acts of piracy against ships,
with a decrease of -3% compared to 120 in the previous year that
occurred in the two central quarters of the year, while
In the last quarterly period of 2024, there was a
+76% increase in attacks increased to 37. In the whole of 2024, the
94 ships boarded by pirates (105 in 2023), those
against which an attack has been attempted 13 (9), the ships towards
which 3 (2) gunshots were fired and the ships
seized 6 (4). During these incidents,
the injury of a seafarer (of 4 in 2023), 126
seafarers were taken hostage (73), 12 were kidnapped
(14) and 12 were threatened (10).
Last year - announced the International Maritime Bureau
(IMB) of the International Chamber of Commerce - the largest number of
attacks occurred against bulk carriers with 50
assaults (45 in 2023), followed by tankers with 23 (34) and
by container ships with 11 (18). Attacks against other
types of ships were 32 (23). Of the total number of
attacks, 60 occurred while the ships were at anchor
(63), 49 while underway (46) and seven while the ships
were at the mooring (11).
If in 2024 the accidents that occurred in the Gulf of Guinea were
decreased having been 18 (22); have increased, however, in the
Singapore Straits where 43 attacks were carried out (37), in
Indonesia with 22 incidents (18) and in the waters off Somalia
with eight (1).