ANSFISA, the National Agency for Railway Safety and
of Road and Motorway Infrastructures, has adopted the "Guidelines
Guide for estimating, assessing and managing the risk associated with the
transport of dangerous goods by rail" which have been
developed in the context of a working group coordinated by the
technical mission structure of the Ministry of Infrastructure and
of Transport, with the participation of the Superior Council of
Public Works and other MIT structures competent in
rail transport. The version adopted takes into account
also the comments received in the context of the consultation
launched by ANSFISA.
The Agency specified that the guidelines are not binding but
identify a methodology for calculating the risk levels of
railway sections involved in the transport of dangerous goods, and
propose limits of acceptability and attention to the
quantitative risks (directly derived from the decree
Ministerial Meeting of 28 October 2005 on tunnel safety
railway standards) and qualitative (also reported in the
CEI-EN 50126-1: 2018-04). ANSFISA has announced that the guidelines
also provide guidance for implementing the process
decision-making for the management of risks associated with the transport of
dangerous goods in accordance with the criteria and principles outlined in the
"Risk Management Framework for inland transport of dangerous
goods", published in 2018 on the ERA website and developed in
UNECE by the European Union Agency for Railways.
The Agency also specified that the document is in question
in line with Commission Implementing Regulation No 402/2013
of 30 April 2013 on the common security methodology
for the determination and assessment of risks, which in Annex I,
point 2.1.4.(c) identifies the accurate risk estimation as
one of the evaluation criteria that can be used for the purposes of the
determination of the acceptability of the same risk and, at the
point 2.5.2, provides that the acceptability of the estimated risks
must be assessed on the basis of the criteria established by the
Union legislation or notified national rules.