"Italy today has a unique opportunity to
relaunch its ports as pillars of an economic system
resilient and competitive". This was noted by the vice president
of Assologistica, Roberto Rubboli, focusing on the challenges
currently faced by national port ports, starting from the
infrastructural delays "which for years - he observed -
penalize the national port system: rail and
ineffective road conditions, cumbersome bureaucracy and overlapping
Competencies between control bodies aggravate the competitive gap
compared to other European countries. To this - he
specified Rubboli - there are also the uncertainties related to the
port reform and disparities in the application of
which discourages investment and slows down the development of the
of the sector".
"While the renewal of the national employment contract has
made significant progress - continued the vice president
of Assologistica - crucial questions remain open such as the fund
for strenuous work and the computerization of
port operations. The difficulty in finding staff
and the costs related to the ecological transition -
from the electrification of the docks to the regulation of
emissions from maritime carriers - are further elements of
critical issues that require targeted interventions".
According to Rubboli, "to face these challenges, it is necessary to
more efficient and coordinated governance, capable of
integrate long-term strategic visions with investments
Adequate. Only in this way will it be possible to guarantee ports
role of strategic hubs for the national economy,
while enhancing the plurality of management
private businesses under public control. The
proliferation of "naval gigantism" and the
concentration of port service management in a few large
business groups - he concluded - are further factors that
require special attention, to avoid imbalances
economic and threats to competitiveness".