Left the Italian public port scene halfway through
last year, when he left the office of president
of the Port System Authority of the Adriatic Sea
Orientale six months before the end of his mandate
to take on the role of Group Operating President shortly thereafter
engineering Technital, thus returning to the port scene
this time private since the group in question is active
also in the port infrastructure sector, Zeno D'Agostino
is launched yesterday in an invective against the partition
Appointment Policy for Secretary-General and Chairman of a
port which, he said, "makes no sense" and is
"A barbaric custom that is only seen on Italian airports".
As reported by the "Ansa" news agency,
speaking yesterday in Trieste at a meeting on the priorities for the
port of Giulia promoted by Confcommercio, D'Agostino supported
that "if there is one thing that needs to be done in port, it is that
When choosing the president, this must be
free to choose the secretary general. I am amazed, if
not disgusted - he continued - when I read in the newspapers that the
one chooses the president and the other the secretary and I remain
disgusted because journalists never denounce this thing,
they take it as something normal. In Genoa it is the
normality. It's something that disgusts me that you can
to think that in the managerial management of a port the president does not
is free to choose the secretary general. To me - he specified
- This did not happen. I've always had the freedom to
and I'm happy about it. This thing is very important: it is
It is important that there is a very strong trust between the president and the
secretary and that the presidents be left free to choose the
secretaries". "If someone wants to do the good of the ports
Italians - he concluded - in addition to choosing the presidents, you leave them
free to choose the secretaries".
Thus ends the rambling indictment of
D'Agostino, who spoke of political division of the appointments of the
Secretary General and the President, flying over his,
nomination. To D'Agostino, who had and has what it takes to
to assume the presidency of any Italian port authority, was
his last presidency of a port authority, the
of the Eastern Adriatic, at the end of 2020 when it was already
the 2016 port reform that had assigned the
Minister of Infrastructure and Transport the power of appointment
of the president of a port authority to be exercised in agreement with
the president or presidents of the region concerned. Appointment that
previously, pursuant to Article 8 of Law 84/94,
by decree of the Minister of Transport and Navigation which
chose the president, after agreement with the region concerned,
within the framework of a trio of general and proven experts
Vocational qualification in the fields of transport economics
and port designated respectively by the Province, the Municipalities and
by the Chambers of Commerce. Then the last assignment at the top of
a port authority conferred on D'Agostino was decided
independently by the then minister Paola De Micheli. Also for
That appointment, therefore, could be called allotment, so much so that
More than with the 2016 reform, the minister was
conferred an almost absolute power of appointment where in
previously there was a minimum of confrontation on three candidates.
D'Agostino said he was disgusted because the
journalists never denounce this thing. We would have liked that
four years ago had personally expressed the same
contempt for the appointment procedure that had placed him at the head of the
of the Port System Authority of the Adriatic Sea
Eastern. Now the disgust is late, even hypocritical.
Bruno Bellio