Medef, the main French employers' federation, has
urged a rapid end to the strikes in the ports
national elections in place since the beginning of the year and that the CGT union has
announced will be intensified next month if it is not
The request not to apply the latest pension reform accepted
of port workers. The federation, which sent a letter
to President Emmanuel Macron, highlighted today that the repeated
strikes have a major impact on the supply chain and severe
impact on the French economy as they involve significant
additional costs and delays, threatening competitiveness
of companies and thousands of jobs.
In particular, Medef underlined the relevant consequences
on the transport sector, with an average additional cost - has
specified the federation - which is estimated to be equal to 23% of the
transport costs usually observed and with a loss of
turnover of 21% compared to forecasts for the month alone
is estimated at around 25%, similar to the decline in
port operations.
To resolve the situation, Medef proposed the urgent
establishment of a public-private coordination unit that
brings together all the relevant authorities and administrations,
as well as the national federations of the actors concerned,
to quickly find solutions to limit the impact of
strikes and ensure the resumption of activities as soon as possible