In 2024, the ports administered by the System Authority
Ports of the Southern Adriatic Sea have moved
17.1 million tonnes of goods, with a decrease in
-7.7% which was generated by the reduction in volumes
transited through the airports of Bari, Barletta and Brindisi.
In addition, the reduction was produced by the decline in the
-12.9% of unloaded cargoes, which amounted to 10.5 million
tonnes, which was partially offset by the increase in
+2.0% of those on board, which rose to 6.6 million tons.
Among the different product categories, there was a strong
decrease were the number of dry bulk cargoes, which amounted to 3.8 million
of tonnes (-29.8%), mainly due to the zeroing of
coal volumes following the conversion of the former
coal-fired power plant in Brindisi which in 2023 had amounted to almost
1.3 million tons. Liquid bulk cargo, with over 2.6 million
of tonnes, were stable (-0.2%) and miscellaneous goods were
increased by +1.8% thanks to the +3.1% increase in rolling stock
rose to 9.9 million tonnes, which offset the
reduction in containerized goods, amounting to 727 thousand
tonnes (-5.7%), and other miscellaneous goods that totalled
111 thousand tons (-38.5%). A decrease was recorded by
overall passenger traffic of ferries with
1.8 million units (-4.4%), while cruise passengers were
grew by +18.1% to 583 thousand units.
Last year the port of Bari alone handled globally
more than 7.7 million tons of goods (-5.3%), of which 5.1 million tons
million tons of rolling stock (-3.1%), 727 thousand tons of
containerized goods (-5.7%) and 1.9 million tons of bulk
dry (-8.8%). In the passenger sector, traffic is
one million ferry passengers (-7.6%) and 463 thousand
cruise passengers (+10.9%).
In 2024, the total traffic in Brindisi was 7.2
million tonnes (-11.9%), including over 7.2 million tonnes
tonnes of rolling stock (+10.8%), 1.8 million tonnes of
liquid bulk (-7.9%) and 708 thousand tons of dry bulk
(-64,1%). In the ferry segment, traffic was
597 thousand passengers (-0.4%) and in the cruise sector 117 thousand
passengers (+59.0%).
Last year the port of Manfredonia handled 807 thousand
tons of goods (+5.1%), of which 605 thousand tons of bulk cargo
dry waste (+2.9%), 119 thousand tons of liquid bulk (+8.4%) and
83 thousand tons of miscellaneous goods (+18.4%).
In the port of Barletta, the total annual traffic is
state of 794 thousand tons (-7.6%), of which 462 thousand tons of
Solid bulk (-14.2%) and 324 thousand tons of liquid bulk
(+7,0%). In the port of Monopoli, 363 thousand were handled
tons of cargo (+2.0%), including 283 thousand tons of bulk cargo
liquid cargo (+68.8%) and 79 thousand tons of dry bulk (-56.2%). In the
port of Termoli the total traffic was 167 thousand
tons (-0.2%), of which 119 thousand tons of liquid bulk
(+2.0%) and 48 thousand tons of miscellaneous goods (-5.3%), while in the
passenger sector Scheduled maritime services traffic is
219 thousand people (+0.5%).