In 2024, the revenues of the Finnish shipping company
Finnlines of the Italian shipping group Grimaldi have increased
by +2.7% to €699.3 million compared to €680.7 million
in the previous year. Operating costs have increased
by +6.3% to €647.2 million. Ebitda is
amounted to €162.0 million (-2.6%), operating profit to €70.6 million
and net profit at €44.6 million (-26.0%).
Last year, Finnlines' ships transported 782,000
trucks (710 thousand in 2023), 85 thousand cars not accompanying passengers
(156 thousand), 1.23 million tons of other goods (1.34 million)
and 936 thousand passengers (695 thousand).
The fourth quarter of 2024, which was the worst
quarterly period of the year, closed with revenues of
1521 million euros, with a decrease of -9.2% on the period
October-December of the previous year. Operating costs were
equal to €256.6 million (-0.7%). EBITDA was €21.2 million
(-38,7%). Operating result and net economic result were
both negative for -1.7 million and -7.5% million euro
compared with positive results of €10.5 million and €3.3 million
million in the previous year.
In the last quarter of 2024, the ships in the fleet
transported 187 thousand cargo units (179 thousand), 22 thousand cars
(35 thousand), 272 thousand tons of other goods (317 thousand) and 172 thousand
passengers (135 thousand).
Commenting on the annual results, the president and director
Finnlines delegate, Tom Pippingsköld, recalled that in the
In recent years, the company has renewed its fleet with three major
"Finneco" hybrid ro-ro ships and two large ro-pax ships
hybrid "Superstar", completing its
500 million euro investments, and confirmed that Finnlines
is currently considering a further investment of 500 million
three new ro-pax ships that will be powered by engines
powered by methanol and which will also be able to work with other
Fuels. "It is expected - he specified - that these ships with
methanol, or multi-fuel, will enter service in early 2028 and
Thanks to this huge environmental investment in green ships
Finnlines will continue to support its customers in the most important way possible