The Genoese shipping agents urge the appointment of the
President of the Ligurian Sea Port System Authority
Western, the body that governs the city port as well as
that of Savona-Vado Ligure. Since the middle of last year
the Port Authority is headed by an extraordinary commissioner, the
rear admiral Massimo Seno, and by an extraordinary commissioner
Deputy Chair, Alberto Maria Benedetti, who took over the position
of extraordinary commissioner to Paolo Piacenza, current secretary
of the Port Authority, who had been appointed to
September 2023 following the resignation of the President of the Institution
Paolo Emilio Signorini who had accepted the appointment as CEO
CEO and General Manager of the Iren Group and that
he was subsequently arrested as part of an investigation for
corruption relating to events that took place when he was president
of the Port Authority.
"We have the feeling - explained president of
Assagenti Genova, Gianluca Croce - to walk on the thin line
between a future of strong revival of the traffic of the
port of Genoa and a stagnation that inevitably leads to the
decline. For this reason, the time factor in choices cannot
being, and certainly is not, an independent variable anymore.
With all the esteem for the valuable work that the two commissioners
are carrying out - continued the president of the association
of shipping agents - it is not acceptable that from more than
the most important port system for the economy
the one that manages the ports of Genoa and Savona, and
through which about 35% of all traffic passes
container of the country, and headless. The commissioner's powers, by law
and in fact, they are limited to ordinary administration and the
port of Genoa, on the other hand, needs definitive and
in terms of regulations, concessions, management
and on the recovery of spaces, on issues apparently set aside
such as the fate of the steel areas. The speed with which
the geopolitical, economic, and route framework
of trade by sea, does not allow for hesitation or
Referrals. Considering that the upcoming municipal elections
will polarize the attention of politics, it is necessary and
The choice of the new president can no longer be postponed
of the Port System Authority to which to entrust in a key
managerial the helm of the port".
The president of Assagenti also urged "a
"almost daily" real-time clarification on the
timing of major works that directly or
indirectly the port" which - he specified - "is
connected to the appointment of the president, but it is still
necessary immediately. It is even more so - he explained -
for us shipping agents that we must communicate to our
principals when the dam will allow the entry of large
container ships, when economically viable trains
will arrive at the quay, when the Terzo Valico will be
operational and whether the port of Genoa will be guaranteed
multifunctionality. As port operators - concluded Croce
- we are ready to roll up our sleeves and collaborate on everything and
with everyone. But the market needs certainties. Not tomorrow, and maybe
not even today. Yesterday."