Since the beginning of this month at the PSA Venice container terminal -
Vecon of the port of Venice traditional diesel has been
replaced with HVO biofuel to power the equipment of
including reach stackers, forklifts and fifth wheels. Yes
It is a high-quality biofuel produced by
100% renewable raw materials such as vegetable waste, residues, oils
and waste from product transformation processes
plants or crops that do not compete with the food chain.
PSA Venice has highlighted that the use of biofuel represents a
environmental benefit as the transition to HVO has no
requested changes to port facilities and demonstrates a commitment to
towards a circular economy and the reduction of dependency
from fossil fuels.
The HVO used by PSA Venice - Vecon allows a reduction in
88.7% of greenhouse gas emissions compared to diesel
decrease, assessed according to a
"well-to-wheel" that considers the entire life cycle of the
from production to use.
In addition, the new E-RTG electric cranes ordered in 2024, which
are scheduled for delivery at the beginning of 2026, will take over from the
last two RTGs deployed at the terminal that are still powered by
diesel and in the process of being replaced.
In parallel with the introduction of HVO, starting from last year
December the PSA Venice - Vecon terminal activated the supply of
100% green energy from renewable wind sources, with the emission of
of GO certificates and a 100% reduction in CO2 emissions
resulting from energy consumption.