The Association of Italian Ports today presented the "Linee
guide for effective, respectful and inclusive communication in
all the Italian Port System Authorities",
document that was produced by the Inequalities group of
Gender established at Assoporti with members of all the Port Authorities. The
This document marks a step forward with respect to the "Pact for the
Gender Equality" of 2021, highlighting the commitment
of the association and its members towards inclusivity
and respect for gender differences.
The new guidelines aim to improve the
internal and external communication of the System Authorities
Ensuring that all forms of communication are respectful
and inclusive. In addition, it aims to enhance the role of women
in the port sector, thus helping to reduce the
gender inequalities. Through practical tools and strategies
languages, the document aims to facilitate the adoption of a
inclusive language, avoiding stereotypes and prejudices.
"We have started - explained the president of Assoporti,
Rodolfo Giampieri - an awareness-raising work for
the reduction of inequalities as early as 2021, trying to
systematize several pieces that we believe are important for the
social growth in a period of global transformation, sustained
also by the commitment of all the presidents of the Port Authorities. We hope
that the guidelines can become a valid tool for a
More effective, respectful and inclusive communication throughout
the port area. We are confident that this step will contribute to the
to create a better working environment, where every individual can
feel valued and recognized."