In 2024, the turnover of the classification society and
French Bureau Veritas certification passed for the first time
six billion euros to 6.24 billion, with
an increase of +6.4% on the previous year. Values
records were also marked by operating profit and profit
net which amounted to €933.4 million respectively
(+13.2%) and €589.2 million (+14.2%).
Even the group's Marine & Offshore division alone has
Closed 2024 with a record turnover of €504.2 million
(+10.6%) and with a record adjusted operating profit of 118.5
million (+9.1%). Last year, new orders were received by the
division recorded a marked increase of +58% being
states equal to 14.7 million gross tons. To 31
last December, the consistency of the order book of this
segment of activity amounted to 27.2 million GRT
(+21%). In 2024, the Bureau Veritas class naval fleet
reached a new record having been equal to 153.0 at the end of the year
million GRT (+3%).
With regard to the activity in Italy, a district that
also incorporates Switzerland, Greece and Malta, the company has announced that
the value of production has more than quadrupled by the
2010 to date, reaching 215 million euros. Last year
in this district Bureau Veritas has also seen an increase in
the employment of 180 employees, rising to a total of 1,200 employees,
43% of whom are women. "We are - commented Diego D'Amato,
president and CEO of Bureau Veritas Italia as well as
chief executive of the Italy, Switzerland and Mediterranean District -
very satisfied with the results achieved, confirmed results not
numbers, but in particular the employment data that the
our company has been able to activate and increase in