In 2024, the first annual financial year in which it had entirely
effect of the merger by incorporation of the shipping company
Anek Lines which was completed on December 4, 2023
September 2022,
August and
November 2023), the Greek shipping group Attica Holdings has
recorded a positive impact of this transaction on the volume
and on the volumes of rolling stock and passenger traffic
carried by the fleet, which set new historical records, but
also a negative impact on economic results.
Attica closed the 2024 financial year with a value of
revenues never achieved before and amounted to 747.8 million euros,
with an increase of +27% on 2023. Ebitda is
amounted to €96.3 million (-24%) and profit after tax to €17.5 million
million euros (-71%). The Greek group highlighted that the
2024 results include non-recurring charges of 28.2
million euros from the merger and integration
operating of Anek and are also burdened by the purchase cost of
emission allowances of €18.9 million as a result of
the entry into force on 1 January 2024 of the trading system
of European Union emission allowances.
In 2024, Attica's fleet carried volumes of traffic
record both in terms of passengers, with a total of 7.29 million passengers
people embarked on the group's ships (+12.3%), both
with regard to rolling stock, with 1.3 million private vehicles
(+25.0%) and 530 thousand trucks embarked (+26.2%).
The Greek group's fleet, after the sale of the ro-pax ship
Kriti II occurred in recent days
of 6
March 2025), consists of 42 ships all owned,
With the exception of two rented Ro-Pax, which are operated under the
Superfast Ferries, Blue Star Ferries, Hellenic Seaways and Anek Lines,
including 27 ro-pax units, 13 fast ferries and two ro-ro vessels.