The appointment of the
presidents of the Port System Authorities. It has
underlined the president of Federlogistica, Davide Falteri,
highlighting that time is up and that the situation
International and Markets Requires for these positions
great professional depth: «This time - he
stated - no, they cannot be the result of a consultation
hasty of the Cencelli Manual to which in too many regions and cities
The desire to refer is back". If "it is
The choice of the new presidents of the
ports", Falteri - specified that "it is
equally decisive is the competence and ability that
These presidents will have to have (and it will have to be them
recognized) in the definition and implementation of a design
industrial development that certainly moves from the ports but that aims
complex logistics systems and that coordination with the world
industrial and productive that has not existed until now".
"The long time it takes for the process of
selection of the new presidents - continued the president of
Federlogistica - should at least allow you to bypass a
problem that has arisen in more than one port, generating
conflicts and inefficiency: I am referring to the contrast between the
President and the Secretary-General, often the latter
of political choices in contrast with the role of "arm
right" that the secretary general himself should carry out".
"The history of ports - concluded Falteri - is
studded with cases in which the secretaries imposed by politics are
who became the first opponents of the presidents. Today more than ever in
In the past, with markets in very rapid transformation, ports must
be able to count on cohesive teams capable of making choices that do not
they can wait any longer."