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Confetra, debit forces to the logistic industry in order to support the competitiveness of the Italian economy
Strong: in such a way it would be contributed also to increase the productive base of the Country
February 1, 2011
Simplification and efficientamento of the normative and administrative processes, qualification of the offer in the chain of the long value all the logistic row, focalization of the investments on some priority infrastructures of net. They are the necessary actions, according to Confetra (General Confederation Italiana of the Transports and the Logistics), in order to allow with the field of the transports and the logistics to strengthen the competitiveness of the Italian economy.
"To equip Italy of a strong logistic industry - the president of the Confetra has explained today, Fausto Forti, in the course of the assembly anniversary of the Confederation - it not only means to support the competitiveness of the national economy, but also to contribute to increase the productive base of the Country".
Introducing today to Rome its relation, that we publish in the address book "Forum of the Shipping and the Logistics", to the presence of the minister of Infrastructures and of the Transports, Altero Matteoli, and of the president of the CNEL, Antonio Marzano, Strong it has emphasized the support of the Confetra to the New one Slowly of the Logistics approved of from the government to Christmas, "a Plan - it has observed - appreciable for its pragmatic approach with little and clear strategic lines, each in a position to giving a contribution to the development of national the logistic system".
In the course of the encounter vice-president of A.T.Kearney, Marco Santino, has introduced the search "the Italian logistics" realized from Centro Studi Confetra with the support of A.T.Kearney with the objective to clearly supply a picture of the reference market, of competitive dynamics, the evolutions attended and the implications for the main industrial fields presents in the row, also regarding the other European Countries.
"World-wise - it has explained Strong - the wealth production is growing today of 5%, but while the emergent economies are quickly returning to the values before crisis, for the majority of the European economies the resumption is still weak person. In this scene the Italian logistics still constitutes an important member of the economic system, with an incidence on the GDP of 7%, pairs to beyond 100 billion euros; a little higher than average value EU that is attested to 6.8%".
It is evidenced as the incidence of the logistics on the GDP has recorded an increasing trend during the last few years that, esteem, in 2013 would have to carry the field to quota 7.4%. The data confirm moreover a market trend, already observed a ten of years ago, towards a demand always smaller by the industrial and commercial committenza for activity of pure vezione.
According to the conjunctural note of the Confetra, reported to the values of 2010 regarding 2009, after almost a biennium of indicators negatives the data of the traffic goods last year confirm world-wide the economic resumption, already recorded in first semester 2010 even if with contained rhythms more. It slowly shares the transport on rubber: +2% on a national level, +8% international to the loaded suit and +6% collettame (couriers). Meaningful resumption for marine transport (+9%) and increase decidedly supported for aerial section (+18%). It continues to second drop the transport on iron (- 8%) evidently - the Confederation - for reasons not more legacies to the economic crisis.
For Confetra, in this picture the potentialities of recovery of the field become fundamental. The Confederation has emphasized as the Centro Studi search - A.T.Kearney evidences that the cost of the traditional logistics is today greater of 11% regarding the average European, with a gap of competitiveness of estimable the Italy System in about 12 billion euros. There are but sensitive margins of improvement: the data show, in fact, a potential one of recovery that can exceed the eight billions of euro. On one side a resumption of efficiency (estimable in beyond three billions of euro, with a consequent generated value that it could be distributed along the chain in terms of cost reduction for the final customer and of improvement of the margins of the field. From the other the potentiality to recover the Italian, currently not satisfied question, and to intercept new question (valued in beyond five billions of euro).
Sul forehead of the infrastructural, Strong investments has observed as "Europe believes us more than we do not believe, so much so that our Country is involved in the great projects of nets TEN T: the Corridor 5 Lyon-Kiev, through the Po plain from Turin to Trieste, the Corridor 24 Rotterdam-Genoa through the Alps and the Appennines and the Corridor 1 Berlin-Palermo that innerverebbe all the peninsula. It cannot but be ignored - it has specified - than the not Italian drafts are in advanced phase of realization and if of the Loetschberg and the Gottardo they enter already in the next few years in activity. Italy must find the resources, not as well as today financial institutions, how many policies and intellectuals in order to pick this great occasion and to connect themselves in modern, fast and reliable way with the European productive woven one. The Confetra, that it represents a great force of private companies that invest every year in the logistics billions of euro and appoint to a job assigned hundreds of thousands of - it has concluded Strong - will engage all own energy and own abilities in order to help Italy in this effort".
Confetra Conjunctural note on the transport goods
Course transport goods in 2010 regarding 2009
Survey by Centro Studi Confetra
Transport on the road
(comprised arranged)
National suit
International suit
National collettame (couriers)
International shipments
Former USSR
America north
America Center-south
Other Countries
Transit of heavy means through the main transboundary passes
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