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Teasing (Liguria Region): during the work of filling/upset to sea the ship yard of Sestri West must continue to work
"Today - from Liguria governor has said - we have the possibility to save the yards, but the event is not resolved"
June 7, 2011
This morning the regional council of the Liguria has examined the situation of Fincantieri to light of the presentation and the next withdrawal of the industrial plan of the company that previewed 2,551 esuberi and the closing of two ship yards, that Neapolitan of Castellammare di Stabia and that genoese of Sestri West, and the reorganization of the activity of from Liguria plant of Riva Trigoso ( on 23 May and 3 june 2011).
"With the withdrawal of the plan - president of from Liguria regional committee has said, Claudio Burlando - the event has reached to a crucial passage. It has been be a matter of a very positive fact, that it cancels the perspective of the immediate closing of two yards on three. However the problems remain all. A lot important is the collective reaction of this community. In the past not so frequently joined. The escape from the industrial triangle of a region has been understood that a point of no return was being touched, practically that has taken part some but that now it receives from the industry a quota GDP pairs little more of the twenty percent. We are to a critical threshold: if we remove the manifacturing one, we remain around the twelve percent. This taken of collective conscience has coincided with the unit of the political forces and the institutions. Italy is growing less of the other Countries and also the ballot of the last week is a callback to all to return to occupy us of the true topics of the Country. Whoever does not make it, to right as on the left, task to Naples, she is punished. The public opinion, scorched from the crisis, measure the political forces for what they make in order to contrast the crisis. Europe today seems the ring more weak person than this international conjuncture: it is slow while other truths, as those Asians, are dynamic and their economy is shared".
According to Teasing, "today we have the possibility to save the yards, but the event is not resolved. Easier - from Liguria governor has explained - it is the situation of Riva, plus complex that of Sestri. Riva, is benefited of a home market, above all that soldier, in this moment less asphyxiated than that outside". Teasing it has rejected the hypothesis of transfer of the workings of Riva Trigoso to the other Fincantieri plant to Muggiano, in province of: this last one - it has emphasized - "does not have the spaces in order to accommodate all the force job of Riva. Therefore that design that is introduced is not of re-unification and amalgamation, but of reorganization. Also for the truth spezzina there is the issue of the investments for Marina Militare. On 3 June the government has said that there are new investments for the defense. It is important to see not only if, but when they realize themselves. I think that if the program of the Fremm frigates is confirmed can be thought to a consolidation of the two yards, even unified in their leadership".
Teasing it has found as the ship yard of Sestri West constitutes the ring more weak person: "not there is doubt - it has explained - has been a remarkable contraction of the question of commercial ships. It is necessary to study a strategy for after crisis being supported the yard in the more difficult phase looking for than to maintain for after crisis the productive ability. Undoubtedly the plant so as it has problems: it is cut in two from the railroad. For this we are speaking about upset to sea. But before the upset it is necessary to realize the filling. In this phase the yard must remain open. If it closes for two or three years, the risk that does not open more is strong much. It must be careful to the safety conditions, but it does not have to be closed while work is made".
According to Teasing there is however the possibility to construct ships in the genoese yard of Sestri. "Today - it has observed - a new line is being asserted of producing for the cruise, wider ships and more court more adapted to the spaces of the yard ponentino and cargo ships to high technology where we can be competitive".
The president of the Liguria Region has exhorted to take in consideration also the acquisition of activity of naval repair: "if there were store clerks of repair or refitting - he has said - I will take them of race. Creed will not arrive other very. The Country and we as Region we must stimulate the possibility of investments by national and international subjects. In the past there are successful: task to cases Siemens and Ericsson".
Teasing therefore it has been declared favorable to the political new performance of support to the navalmeccanica company rather than to the resource to the redundancy fund. "It is better - one has wondered - to spend a bag of money in order to pay the redundancy fund or to put in field effective economic politics of support? If it is oriented to us on the new technology, they serve training courses. Therefore - it has concluded - rather than redundancy fund, formative activity. The Region - it has added Teasing - all what it can make in formative activity will make it. But we are not the Sicily, we do not have the availability of deep of deep the southern Regions that do not succeed to spend the Fas. We have a budget not knowledge where to blink the head. We are discussing if we are obliged or less to remove some train hence to the 13 of July. The path tight and is complicated. If it is entered in logic of the regional plans the Region will have a new role".
Al term of its participation Teasing has launch an appeal to the unit: "the important - it has emphasized - is that the formulation is not dispersed that has seen us coesi and that it has given us forces a force that we must put in field, for the industrial estate of the Liguria. The bar tenders of Sestri have hit me who have said me: if he closes the yard I close also. We have good possibility to make it also Sestri. In the Eighties they said us that yard did not have perspectives, we have fought and the plant has resistito for others thirty years".
The from Liguria regional council will resume the argument on the situation of Fincantieri in the sitting of next tuesday in order to discuss the communications about president Burlando and the introduced orders of the day.
With respect to the upset to sea of the ship yard of Sestri West the president of Genoa Confindustria is taken part, Giovanni Calvini. "With reference to the today's encounter between Fincantieri, the local government and institutions - the president of the genoese manufacturers has said - we wish that not there are preconceived closings to the proposals that the company will subject with respect to the project of upset to sea of the yards of Sestri West. The withdrawal of the industrial plan has given wide demonstration of the opening of Fincantieri see again own position, although in a context of serious difficulty of the navalmeccanico field. For this reason, we consider that they do not have to be excluded a priori alternatives to the construction activity that can however assure the maintenance of the industrial vocation of the area and, the how much most possible one, the level of the occupation".
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