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Guadagnuolo retort to the accusations rivoltegli from the Harbour Authority of the East
Nobody of the reliefs which moved in my confronts - it emphasizes - has some minimal foundation of truth
March 8, 2012
We receive and gladly we publish the following retort of ingegner Manlio Guadagnuolo to the accusations rivoltegli from the Harbour Authority of the East of which we have given news yesterday ( on 7 March 2012).
Gentile Direttore,
with reference to the article from You published in date 7 March the 2012 from the title "Council of State confirmation the regularity of the nomination of Marian to president of the Harbour Authority of the East", I must find that it contains not truthful information absolutely, for which I pray to You, for truth love, to publish integrally and with pairs evidence following my retort, reserving me to estimate eventual ulterior actions to protection of my onorabilità, giacchè, in my life and my professional distance, "never" has not been object of some minimal suspicion for lesive conducts of the public interest.
I premise that the Bari Porto Mediterraneo society s.r.l is constituted by the harbour Authority of Bari in year 2004 and is entrusted them the concession for the management of the marine stations and the services of support to the passengers in the port of Bari beginning from on January 1°, 2005.
In December 2005, the Mr. Marian Commissioner of the harbour Authority of Bari is named and in January the 2006 undersigned Ing Manlio Guadagnuolo is named added Commissioner of the same harbour Authority.
In June 2006, the Assembly of the Associates of Bari Porto Mediterraneo (harbour Authority, Chamber of Commerce, private Banca Popolare of Bari and associates, between which the shipping agents and the harbour enterprises) and the next C.d.A they have named the Mr. Marian which President of Bari Porto Mediterraneo and the undersigned Ing Manlio Guadagnuolo which Administrator Delegato.
In December 2006, the Mr. Marian President of the harbour Authority of Bari is named and therefore has failed the commissariali charges.
In triennial operations plan 2007-2009 of the harbour Authority of Bari, the Mr. Marian it wrote that "Bari Porto Mediterraneo has carried out a role of great relief for the increase of the Port of Bari through the efficient one and profitable management of the terminal cruises and the terminal you ferry".
Until February 2008, the harbour Authority of Bari has been anticipates in the C.d.A of Bari Porto Mediterraneo, at first with President Mariani and then with the Secretary Generale Mr. Sommariva, sharing all the managerial choices of the Society and appreciating the acts of the undersigned, as noticeable from the minutes.
In February 2009, the Harbour Committee, on proposal of President Mariani, deliberated with respect to the cancellation, in self-defence, of the concession entrusted in 2004 to Bari Porto Mediterraneo.
In May a 2009, Ministerial Commission of investigation (constituted by a high administrative magistrate and two important university university professors by right administrative), named from then the Minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, expressed, in own conclusive relation, strong appreciation for the acts of the undersigned in dresses of Administrator Delegato of Bari Porto Mediterraneo, evidencing, vice versa, numerous profiles of mala gestio of the Mr. Marian to the guide of the harbour Authority of Bari, much to ask of the commissariamento Minister Matteoli.
In the same relation of the Ministerial Commission, moreover, it was evidenced that, in the within of the audition of the Mr. Marian, the same one declared that the management of Bari Porto Mediterraneo was "optimal" (textual), certifing the impeccable management of the B.P.M carried out from the undersigned beginning from june 2006.
Same affirmations on the acts of the undersigned are carried out by all the Associates and the Members of the board of directors of Bari Porto Mediterraneo, some of which have defined my "excellent" management, as brought back in the minutes of the Boards of directors and the Assemblies of the Associates, let alone in some communications to the actions of the B.P.M.
All this until March 2010, when, for chosen of then the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari, it is proceeded to the revocation of my delegations and to the nomination of new Administrator Delegato of Bari Porto Mediterraneo.
From that moment, in the illusion to find an understanding with the Mr. Marian, the new administrators have voluntarily supplied to yield the activities of the B.P.M to the harbour Authority, until to cancel them in a very short time and, therefore, to understanding not happened, they have multiplied to excess the actions lawyers against the Authority, to defense of the patrimonial interests of the B.P.M.
Moreover, from May 2010, the harbour Authority of Bari has entrusted to a new society - operating not already in the within of the managements of the harbour terminals, but mainly in the field of the cleansings - the management of the marine stations and the services of support to the passengers of the Port of Bari.
Which consequence, the Port of Bari has begun to record an obvious decline, is with regard to the quality of the services to the passengers, is to the harbour traffics, is to the economic results in the budgets of the harbour Authority, than, in fact, they are closed with a consisting deficit more and more, so much so that the Budget of forecast 2012 of the harbour Authority is approved of with a loss of beyond 4.000.000 of Euro.
Moreover, with Ministerial Decreto n.357 of the 13.10.2011, the harbour Authority of Bari, only case in Italy, has lost all the financings of which it arranged for the realization of harbour infrastructures, for a total of 86 million euros, in order not to have open a single yard in the six years of management of Mr. Mariani neither realized some cantierabile project.
Moreover, the same Mr. Marian he has autocertificato the dissesto financial and the impossibility of operation of the harbour Authority in the note prot. n. 3123 on March 31, 2011 from sent he to the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports, whereby assert that "It is of all evidence that, in case the recognition [of the Ministry on the not used infrastructural financings from the harbour Authority of Bari, of which to Decreto "Milleproroghe", then revoked with the next cited D.M n.357/2011 on] it put [had put] in argument the necessary funds to the realization of the triennial Plans of the Operas, that they form integral part of the administration remainder, we would find ourselves, in fact, dinanzi to a deep alteration of the established financial balances with Budgets already approved of from the competent Ministry so compromising the functionality of the Agency".
To testimony of the results achieved during the years of management by the undersigned Ing Manlio Guadagnuolo of i traffics you ferry and cruises in the Port of Bari, I consider opportune to bring back the following data, obtainable from official documents of the harbour Authority of Bari:
the total traffic fleeting (ferries and cruises) from 2005 to 2009 has recorded an increment of 35%, against a +6% in the years precedence from 2002 to 2004 and of a -0,5% from 2009 to 2011;
the crocieristico traffic from 2005 to 2009 has recorded an increment of 105%, against a +29% from 2002 to 2004 and of a + 3% from 2009 to 2011;
to year-end 2009 (last year of my management), the total traffic fleeting has reached 1.961.283 passengers and the crocieristico traffic has recorded 567,885 passengers;
from the year the 2006 Port of Bari has become port leader in the Adriatic with reference to the total traffic fleeting, having exceeded the Port of Venice;
also the traffic ro-ro (transport rotabili) from 2005 to 2009 has recorded an sensitive increment, above all with regard to the connections with Albania and Greece (from 143.095 units in 2005 to 172.772 units in 2009).
With respect to the litigations lawyers, all the judicial actions to defense of Bari Porto Mediterraneo, comprised the choice of the lawyers, are shared unanimously by the Associates and in the within of the C.d.A of the same Society. With reference to the expenses lawyers, during my management, the expenses for the right defense of Bari Porto Mediterraneo from the cancellation of the concession to work of the harbour Authority of Bari pile to some tens of thousands of euros, for which not me constano expenses lawyers for 900,000 euros for as allegated in the article of it prints in object, than however do not regard my management.
Moreover, it presses me to emphasize that the expenses relative lawyers to my adverse resource the nomination of Mr. Mariani to President of the harbour Authority of Bari, happened in date 7 june 2011, are entirely at the expense of the undersigned and that, in the within of the same resource, the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports (Agency that has emanated Decreto of nomination) has not introduced some defensive memory in favour of the Mr. Marian.
Regarding the demand for compensation you damn from advanced me regarding Bari Porto Mediterraneo for the revocation of the delegations of Administrator Delegato “without just cause”, I hold to clarify for a reason or purpose that, in the within of the budget of Bari Porto Mediterraneo, a total sum is previewed, of compensation, of single gross euros 130,000 (and however such sum never is not corresponded to the undersigned) and not that of beyond of 2.000.000 Euros brought back in the article in object.
Moreover, it is opportune to emphasize that, with unanimous decision of the five members of the executive board, in August 2009, the harbour Authority is excluded by the social compages of Bari Porto Mediterraneo for seriously lesivo behavior and contrasting with its duties of associate. Such decision is appealled by the harbour Authority that has lost in all the degrees of judgment, having aggravated the expenses lawyers of the harbour Authority and Bari Porto Mediterraneo.
To ulterior new evidence of the transparent and profitable management of the Port of Bari by the undersigned Ing Manlio Guadagnuolo, I hold to clarify that the undersigned giammai has been object of investigations by the Regional Procura of the State Audit Court, for which the presumed received revenue damages in the article in object, for total 11.221.962, 43, are absolutely strangers to the management of the undersigned.
In fact, the invitation to deduce of the foretold Procura, cited in the article in object, minimally has on October 19, 2011 not interested the undersigned, as exclusively turned to the members of the harbour Committee in charge in 2004, age in which I did not play some role in the within of the Port of Bari.
Moreover, it is useful to evidence that the harbour Authority of Bari, in quality of associate of Bari Porto Mediterraneo, has carried out a longest inspection, duration beyond 6 months, on the administrative and accounting management of the B.P.M operated from the undersigned, without never to move some dispute.
Indeed, the undersigned, thanks to the administrative proba and always transparent lead recognized one, has been able to enjoy esteem unconditioned and confidence, is on the professional plan that human.
After all, in the within of the article in object, nobody of the reliefs which moved in my confronts has some minimal foundation of truth, being how much from totally whom supported allegated me from official documents from me punctually cited.
I sincerely yours thank for the kind availability and porgo mine.
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