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Spediporto asks Italy if it believes in the opportunities offered from the portualità and the logistics
Examination wide-ranging of the association on the problems that stop the increase of the economy and the exchanges with foreign country
March 28, 2012
Perhaps - and it seems to be just so - the generated propulsive thrust from law 84 of 1994 has been extinguished. Perhaps that norm for I reorder of the legislation in harbour matter, than not even it is not applied fully, it has given what it could give to the national portualità and in particular to the port of Genoa, than in the next years has been able to at work recover remarkable quotas traffic graces to a more modern management and its workers and its enterprises.
In the 2012 that impulse it appears exhausted. Indeed it seems to be itself dissipated for a long time. It seems reached the moment to complete of the choices, to take to new decisions. Perhaps for this Spediporto it has sped up all to express own opinion regarding the portualità. Answering in order before to own question "from that it leave to be? ", the association of the genoese shippers not had doubts. This morning to Saint George Palace, center of the Harbour Authority, concluding own relation to the assembly of Spediporto, that we publish in the address book "Forum of the Shipping and the Logistics", the president of the association, Roberta Oliaro, has answered without hesitation: "the choice cannot that to be that to be from the part of the port".
The propulsive stimulus that in last the fifteen years has carried the genoese harbour port of call to return protagonist in the Mediterranean and interlocutor of relief on the international markets seems to be itself loosed. The moment has reached to interrogate itself on the future of the port. Taking part to the assembly the president of Port Authority, Luigi Merlo, it has preannounced that only in the next weeks, after the election of the new mayor, it will introduce the lines guides of the new Portuale Town development plan, for being able to develop an appropriate dialogue with the municipal administration not inficiato from pre-electoral bizantinismi. For the new one slowly - it has anticipated - it will have to be discussed about development or of reorganization. Also according to Merlon, evidently, it is the moment to operate of the choices.
Sul "from that it leave to be" Merlon, as its custom, does not have uncertainties. The Italian and genoese portualità must be defended oltreconfine from a "shameful action of dumping goods in foreign market" exercised by the nordeuropei ports, has remembered referring to the greater customs inspections and inspecting to which they are subject the goods that journeys compared to those that to Genoa passes in the ports of call of the "northern range". But it must be protected also in national within, has emphasized referring to the reluctance of the governments succedutisi the guide of the Country to grant to economic resources own to the Harbour Authorities.
Moreover the portualità must be freed - according to Merlon - from internal brakes that of it limit the action and the development. The reference, in the circumstance, is to the dissaproval manifested from the association of the shippers regarding the participation of the Harbour Authority "to projects, as the Tiger that - Roberta Oliaro has explained - risks to transform our port of call in a mere corridor of transfer of containers". Mission of the Tiger project is to decongest the traffic in the European ports and to increase of the effectiveness and the productivity through the promotion of the multimodality. Sand bank and directed the retort of Merlon: "the guilt of Tiger is to facilitate the clearance outside Genoa".
As well as to the portualità and the genoese community, the question of Spediporto is reported to the logistics and is turned the entire nation: the association asks Italy where it wants to be placed, or from that it leave it intends to be: "the feeling of the operators of the field, of the international forwarders - it has specified Roberta Oliaro - is that in Italy the conviction lacks on the real importance of the development in the field of the logistics and, consequently, fails an activity that it knows to coordinate the choices in the field of infrastructures with the policies of I throw again of the foreign trade".
According to Spediporto, the question is anything but oratorical and the answers anything but discounted, "above all - it has observed the association - to light of the results of relationship 2012 of "Doing Business" published from the Bank World in collaboration with the IFC (International Finance Corporation). The study of the World-wide Bank, lead on 183 Countries, has estimated the economies of these in 10 thematic areas between which: the start of an enterprise, the access to the credit, the commerce, the economic regulation and the normative simplification, placing Italy to the 87th rank of classifies generic, (last year was to the 83rd rank), behind of Mongolia, Bahamas, Zambia and Albania. The recent governmental participations in matter of liberalizations and simplifications have not substantially changed the normative picture in which they are found to be confronted the operators of the field".
Some year it makes same the Bank World had introduced a ranking based on an index of the logistic performances of the nations in which Italy it was placed in flattering 22nd a position ( on 12 November 2007). However - omitting classifiche that "has no effect" - it is obvious that the denunciations, the demands and the proposals advanced from Spediporto of Roberta Oliaro are in the report not founded on sometimes credible classifiche, some improbable times and in some unreliable cases, but on the directed perception of companies as the shipment houses that more than others can touch the wrist of the national economy and estimate its opening towards the markets foreign countries.
The examination of the situation and the opportunities of the proposed Italian portualità today to the assembly from the general manager for the ports of the ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports, Cosimo Caliendo, agrees in many leaves with those of Spediporto and other representatives of the institutions taken part to the assembly and that for a long time they take care of the marine-harbour section, as the president of the Liguria Region, Claudio Burlando, the same Merlon and the president of the Province of Genoa, Alessandro Repetto.
It comes to wonder because this convergence for views, almost unanimous to Genoa as in others you leave of the Country - a consequent governmental action does not correspond. Almost all lean the guilt to the politicians. We consider rather than the national community, in all its expressions, is not able or, worse, we do not have interest to form a political class yearning to improve the well-being of the national collectivity. For this we have arrived to having a technical government who has commissariat politics. For this many exponents of the institutions - as Caliendo and others - they wish that this that we do not succeed to make us comes tax from the European Union, for example - in portualità topic - with the review of the nets IT TRY.
Is the future of Italy of being eterodiretta? Indeed: esterodiretta?
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher