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The Chamber of Commerce of Savona expresses regret for the failure of the nomination of Angrisano to president of the Harbour Authority
The new presidency - the Chamber of Commerce emphasizes - must operate online of continuity with the precedence management
July 31, 2012
The Chamber of Commerce of Savona has communicated to have "received with regret, perplexity and worry" the decision of the president of the Region Liguria, Claudio Burlando, to deny the assent to the proposal of the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports relative to the nomination of admiral Felicio Angrisano to president of the Harbour Authority of Savona-Go. Angrisano, current commander of the Harbour office of Genoa and marine director of the Liguria, was indicated to the presidency of Port Authority from the Chamber of Commerce, while the Municipality of Savona had candidated deputy mayor Paolo Gaggero and the Province of Savona lawyer Paolo Marson ( on 14 June 2012).
The Chamber of Commerce has explained to have received such decision with "regret, because the proposed candidate, in possession of technical requirement and professional previewed from the law, he enjoys the almost unanimous confidence of the harbour operators and the savonesi economic categories". The Chamber of Commerce has emphasized to have characterized the candidacy of admiral Angrisano "without sollicitations of some genre, least of all of the interested directed one, to which the availability on the base of the acquaintance tested in the years is demanded in which Felicio Angrisano it has worked to Savona in quality of commander of the Harbour office and vice-president of the Harbour Committee".
Moreover the Chamber of Commerce has specified to have understood the news of the failure with "perplexity, as the assumed decision is not supported by particular motivations, also recognizing the value and the adequacy of the technical-professional qualities of the proposed candidate", and with "worry, because the assumed decision weakens the port of Savona-Go, depriving it of a sure guide, in a crucial phase of its process of increase".
The Chamber of Commerce has evidenced that "the situation of crisis of the economy to international level demands that the port is in the full load of own decisional abilities and in a position to developing to the maximum level own competitiveness. Above all the realization of the platform containers to Vado Ligure, strategic element for the port and all the savonese economy - it has remembered the agency - has entered in the topical moment of the delivery of the work, of the start of the yards and the definition of all the relative aspects to its insertion in local the infrastructural system and the national and international logistic net. The engagement of the government on the relative aspects to the financing must find reply in extraordinary the operating ability to the local actors, and in the first instance to the Harbour Authority. The involvement in the project of APM Maersk, the more operating important of the field world-wise, increases the value of the project but it is also a challenge of competitiveness of the territory to international level".
The savonese Chamber of Commerce has specified that in the location of the more suitable candidate to cover the assignment of president of the Harbour Authority "Camera he will continue to privilege the contents that are, in the first instance, the prosecuzione of the process of increase of the port of Savona-Go, a constituted economic community give more beyond 200 enterprises and than 8.000 workers, with total falling back on the advanced territory to the billion of euro. In the second place, the quality of the relations between the local Authority, operators and communities, that they constitute a point of force of the savonese portualità".
The Chamber of Commerce has emphasized also the validity of the acts of the outgoing president of the Harbour Authority, Rino Canavese, than - the Chamber of Commerce has remembered - "it has achieved, in the years of its permanence to the summit of the Harbour Authority, important results in terms of increase of the traffics and the number of operators, infrastructure realization new, activation of innovative organizational modalities and projects key for the future, such to carry the port of Savona-Go to carry out a primary role in the within of from Liguria and national portualità".
The Chamber of Commerce has detailed the figures of the development recorded from the port under the management of Canavese: "by 2003 to the 2011 total volume of goods enlivened has grown from 13.400.000 tons to 14.654.000 tons. The movement containers has grown from 53.000 to 170.000 teu, with meaningfully advanced tips also in the considered period. The passengers are increased altogether by 525.000 to 1.307.000 and the increment has regarded is the traffic ferries is, above all, the cruises. Regarding the harbour structures and infrastructures investments for 123 million euros are carried out of which 68 million from the Harbour Authority and 55 million from the terminalisti". Moreover, "the realization of the platform containers of Vado Ligure will involve investments of the order of 450 million euros and the creation of beyond direct 600 places of job. Handling of goods for railroad is meaningfully increased by 228 thousand tons to 370 thousand tons for the single basin of Savona. The Fer.Net society, promoted from the Harbour Authority of Savona-Go with the contribution of 6 locomotori of property, carries out a fundamental role in forwards it of the goods towards the retroporti of Rivalta and Mortara, with beyond 500 trains/year on the drafts Voltri-Rivalta, Go, Spezia-Rivalta and Savona-Cairo Montenotte".
The Chamber of Commerce has found also as, regarding the management of the harbour system and the relationships with the local community, "the port of Savona-Go has been characterized for a level low of confrontation. In particular, the deliberations of the Harbour Committee always are approved of unanimously of the members, except the position of the new mayor of Vado Ligure which, coherently to its contrary political program to the realization of the platform containers, is opposite to the directly or indirectly relative deliberations to the realization of the same platform. In the port of Savona-Go one has obtained, with the engagement of all the subjects and the propulsive thrust of the Harbour Authority, a vituous balance between the job and the goods. With pairs dignity all the members of the port have persecuted with coherence and determination the competitiveness of the savonese port of call, constructing with the foundations for a solid and long-lasting development".
The Chamber of Commerce has concluded rimarcando that, on the base of these elements, he considers that "the new presidency of the Harbour Authority of Savona-Go must operate online of continuity with the precedence management, maintaining the ability to create value and job for the enterprises and the people, in a picture of autonomy and constructive relations with from Liguria harbour system, in the optical to increase of the competitiveness to international level. Therefore the Chamber of Commerce wishes that the extension of the phase of I renew of the presidency of the Harbour Authority is managed without interruptions of the distance of increase and development of the port of Savona-Go, to the aim not to together suffocate the obvious potentialities of which the port arranges, in the interest of the savonese economy in its".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher