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Unioncamere, new the Slowly national one for the airport development puts to risk 15 ports of call to the service of the territories
Dardanello: it is necessary to not only consider of the results budgetary, but also of the benefits for the territory
April 18, 2013
According to Unioncamere, the Action of address emanated last January from the ministry of the economic Development and Infrastructures for the new definition of the Slowly national one for the airport development ( on 29 January 2013) it can cause a severe contraction of the airport activity and places to risk 15 airports to the service of the territories.
In the svoltosi course of the convention today to Rome, organized by Unioncamere and the magazine "Head Horn" with the support of Uniontrasporti, is evidenced as the entire field of aviation (considering airlines, airports, aeronautical industry and suppliers of services) gives to a Gross Domestic Product contribution to the Italian of 15 billion euros, offering job to 500 thousand people and enlivening a traffic of 149 million passengers. According to Unioncamere, to make the expenses of I rearrange of the system of the Italian airports could be 15 of the 46 airports opened to the commercial flights, defined from the Action of address "not of national interest". "If the choice of these "smaller" sites is confirmed during Conference State-Regions - it has found Unioncamere - it is destined to the E regions for these truths two various scenes are opened: the possibility to operate with a regional concession or of being addressed to other destinations or at the close. Practically, they will have to manage by themselves and the local authorities and the Chambers of Commerce who of are associates will have to decide if to recapitalize them, ripianando the accumulated losses of exercise, against a plan of rearrange and throw again, to yield of the participation to private, or to close them, with all the implications of the case".
Unioncamere has remembered that the 15 airports that the Action of the ministry identifies as "of national interest" they are not in geographic order those of Cuneo, Aosta, Brescia, Bolzano, Albenga, Forli, Parma, Grosseto, Navy of Field (Elba), Perugia, Foggia, Taranto, Crotone, Comiso and Tortoli. In their complex, in the 2012 these fleeting airship stations they have recorded a traffic of 1.106.230 people, in 40.5% of the cases with national flights, in 59.5% with international drafts. 73.1% of these passengers have used, in such structures, flights low-cost. The remaining quota has interested instead flights of traditional type.
For Unioncamere, the reduction of these smaller so-called truths could have an sensitive repercussion on the enterprises of the field and the citizens, but also on the territories from served they. "Esteem in fact - it has explained the Association of Italian Chambers of Commerce - than if in Italy failed the flights of line from the smaller airports, beyond 500 thousand people would endure a lengthening of the times of advanced travel to the 60 minutes, with a medium increase of 100 minutes for single travel of single gone and an esteem of the total costs of the greater time employed (prudenzialmente estimated in 10 euros now) valued in about 52 million euros, considering the airports with traffic until two million annual passengers. This scene you would see penalized areas already today which disadvantaged as for connections and infrastructures and would annul the efforts made in the course more decades with huge resources also and nature investments it is public that private, in order to offer to these territories opportunity to develop and to characterize the economic-productive flows, innovating and increasing the net of the relational models. It would be gone unavoidably to a displacement of wealth from these areas, lively dynamics and economically, but certainly generally less developed and sometimes marginal, towards those richest ones and congested much, not only with a loss of assigned directly or indirectly involved in airport economy (medium 400-500 assigned for million passengers), but also with a almost sure loss of the generated tourist expense from the tourist flows inbound that in these years, graces also to the explosion of the low-cost, are generating interesting processes of increase and redistribuzione of the tourist presences regarding historical the traditional destinations".
"We do not want certainly to assert the uselessness of I rearrange total of the system", it has clarified the president of Unioncamere, Ferruccio Dardanello. "Many societies of management of the airports - it has explained - strongly record turned out of exercise also negatives, united to the unbalanced relationship between costs and revenues for passenger that cannot certainly be ignored. But for any action of I rearrange - it has found Dardanello - are necessary policies of accompanyment in order to characterize solutions alternatives and/or remodeling of the picture of the costs, and policies of system, than they do not hold account of the results exclusively budgetary, but also of the benefits for the territory. The same European logic - also emphasizing that the behaviors of the shareholders publics must be imprinted to the principle of the private investor in a market economy - seems to offer the possibility, in some particular and circumscribed cases, to construct policies of support to the airports and to the airlines".
"The encounter today - the president of Uniontrasporti has said, Antonio Paoletti - represents the start of an indispensable reflection of the entire camerale system on the situation of the Italian airport truth, with particular attention to the smaller airports - after the adoption of the Action of address for the definition of the national Plan of the airports - that can carry to the adoption of a shared strategy. The Chambers of Commerce strongly are engaged in airport infrastructures (35 of the 46 considered commercial airports from the Plan are managed by society participated from the Chambers) and the drastic forecasts of the Plan impatteranno on productive territories, local systems and Chambers of Commerce".
Unioncamere has remembered moreover that of the 46 commercial airports re-entering in the national Plan of the airports (of which 35 managed exactly from society participated from Chambers of Commerce), between the ten making part of Core Networks, considered of strategic importance to level EU, the Chambers is anticipates in six, with a total investment of 48 million euros. Moreover 15 of the 19 airports of the comprehensive Network (those which has a advanced traffic to the million annual passengers, that is that they have a advanced traffic to 500 thousand and are in possession of ulterior characteristic detailed lists, which the oneness in the regional within or the service to a territory characterized from insufficient accessibility, that is are indispensable to assure territorial continuity) see the presence at least a Chamber of Commerce with a total participation of 49,5 million euros. At last the Chambers of Commerce participate also to the societies of two airports re-entering in the category "other airports" (Rimini, with a trend of traffic in strong increase, and Salerno, used for delocalizzare the traffic of Naples) with 2,1 million euros invested. Between remaining the 15 ports of call, 12 have the Chambers of Commerce in the social compages for a total value of 10,9 million euros. The final investment of 55 Chambers of Commerce piles therefore almost 110 million euros, pairs to 15% of the capital altogether invested.
Unioncamere has specified that "the reason for which the camerale system faces the topic of I rearrange airport, however, only is not tied to the presence of participation in the management societies. In fact, the investments of the Chambers in infrastructures, not only of transport but also of promotion of the economy, always are made looking not a logic of profit of the single investment, but to the total effects for the territory. The camerale net, therefore, is aware of the relief of the topic on the plan of the local development and the opportunities that would be come to lose for the territory, for its enterprises, the communities of reference".
Unioncamere has concluded specifying that the camerale system considers therefore that "it would be useful to imagine I rearrange of the directed field to create national a airport strategy that succeeds: to connect the Plan to European politics species for the aeroportualità smaller (absent but still sure necessary, since in Europe 67% of the airports with line traffic manage inferior volumes to the million passengers year and the structure owner is in great public part); it reconsiders the system of the costs, pulling down rigidities today not more justifiable, of the airport services guaranteed from the State, taking into consideration the various dimensions and necessity of the ports of call; it allows with the airport societies to operate in a regime of normative and autorizzatorie certainties, at least of medium period, in order to allow investment plans and development of along term; it estimates with objective criteria the existence less or than a positive impact of the airport infrastructure on the territory of which it is to the service, not only relatively to the connections for the transport of passengers and goods, but in particular for the yield that it generates to you and the contribution that it brings to the increase of the territorial gross product one”.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher