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the unions contest the decision of the government to put into effect the partial privatization of Fincantieri
According to the representatives of the workers, the intention is exclusively that "to make case"
November 22, 2013
The opinion inforMARE
The insertion of Fincantieri in the list of the societies of the State to place partially on the market is - unfortunately - than more expectable to the state of the things. We say unfortunately not own for the same reasons for which the unions are rebelled, with which we agree instead when they assert that this plan of privatizations is stiff "to only make case".
The eight companies included in the directory - that is CDP Nets, Enav, Eni, Fincantieri, Great Stations, Sace, Stm and Tag - appear to be between the least attractive state societies for the investor. If a government as that guided by Enrico Letta, than in its action has shown the intention essentially to avoid social conflicts in any case excluding the state shareholding enterprises from the perimeter of its participation for the reorganization of the accounts publics, anticipates a plan of privatizations of this tenor means evidently that it does not have other margins of maneuver.
We say unfortunately, therefore, because that of the government, exactly because it dissatisfies up to now to the expressed intention intentions, appears not certainly an extreme decision and a message to the investor of the will of the executive to lead a strong action of reorganization of the accounts and reduction of the enormous national debt. This reveals the message, in fact, when to such a privatization measures are not accompanied in order to return the public car more efficient (the ill-famed "structural participations"), included obviously its participated. To case - us it seems - from the plan of the executive Poste Italiane and Ferrovie of the State, this last one are not excluded touched only marginally.
The message sent yesterday from the government is only: Italy has absolute and urgent need to make case. It is a sign of extreme weakness turned to the investor and the foreign institutions. The message is in short own that, second remembered how much in recent days from the same Prime Minister Enrico Letta, up to now Italy has not launch not being resorted to the save-State bottom.
What it would have to inform the markets in order to tranquilize them about the solidity of the Italian economy is not what we can sell, how much this that we intend to make for the review and reduction of the expense.
Bruno Bellio
The inclusion of the shipbuilding group of naval Fincantieri in the directory of the public companies of which the Italian government it intends to start a partial privatization has provoked the protest of the unions ( on 22 November 2013). According to the Uilm, "the decision to privatize 40% of Fincantieri, assumed yesterday from the government is wrong and unacceptable" "it cannot be tried - it has found the union - to make to square the accounts publics, through the sale of logical mere industrial assets for budgetary. Fincantieri in these years has been known to set upright again, has known to maintain an important position on the international markets through enormous sacrifices by employee its, today it is wanted to be only offered for sale in order to make to square the accounts of the Country and for being online with the communitarian directives budgetary. Come Uilm - it has remembered the labor organization - we have always supported that, Fincantieri had to be put in the conditions for maintaining that competitiveness that in the years they have it capacity to being leader on the international markets, this had to pass through injections of liquidity and stable a social order and in a position to guaranteeing of the italianità. For these reasons as Uilm we consider that the quotation in Stock exchange is the percorribile road, maintaining those 60% of governmental capital that can inside guarantee of its strategic role of the System Country; at the same time also we are convinced that the economic returns of this operation must be addressed to increase of the share capital, in order to return the company, today heals, still more fort and in a position to placing itself in it confronts of the market in way still more important. For these reasons as Uilm we consider that a urgent encounter to the government must be demanded in order to restate with force that we will not accept privatizations that have the single scope to make case and at the same time to return more weak person the company; meanwhile we will support in any case the opportunity to return and competitive Fincantieri still more solid".
"So - it is the comment of Fiom-Cgil on the plan of privatizations introduced from the government - it is about to realize the umpteenth sale of the pieces between the more important of the industrial patrimony of our Country, only finalized to make case and destined to in the past lengthen the list of the disastrous privatizations realized in Italy. The economic situation of the Country, together with the necessity and to the urgency to face in concrete terms and to arrest the hemorrhage of places of work, would have, on the contrary - according to the union - to push the government to promote chosen of politics industrial useful to generate and to orient the investments private publics and towards the strategic fields for the same economy". In the specific case of Fincantieri, Fiom-Cgil considers that "the government, instead selling off, damaging it, the main company of the navalmeccanico field, would have to start a true one confronts with all the labor organizations to the aim to define general politics of mobility of the people and the things, in a position to involving in a real industrial pole, all the means manufacturers and systems of transport, that he values and he returns to the Country the productive patrimony useful and of present professionalities in such companies, to the aim to safeguard the occupation present and to create some new, good and stable". Fiom-Cgil has concluded emphasizing not to share "a pure logic of privatizations in order to make case, so as indicated from the government" and announcing that "it will activate a campaign of assemblies immediately in order to discuss about the issue and to decide with the workers and the workers, the opportune actions in order to contrast such decisions beginning from, a meaningful and visible participation to the initiatives decided from the Central Committee Fiom for the defense of the job, for industrial a political new, against the privatizations and the plans of cession, for contracts of solidarity and against the lay-offs, than will be carried out on the territories and that they will meet, in the days of the 11 and 12 Decembers, in the organized manifestations to Rome until to arrive to Palazzo Chigi".
According to Fim Cisl Liguria, "the opportunity to recover resources through the dismemberment of the national companies in order to refinance Cassa Warehouses and Loans and the national economy" it constitutes "a serious error of appraisal". "We wish - Tiziano Roncone has explained the regional secretary - politics of the good sense and the dialogue that truly face the problems of the management great companies as Fincantieri, taking conscience of the fact that these companies, with the due investments and serious industrial plans, can be the true motor resource and for our economy".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher