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Fincantieri tightens agreements in Russia for the plan of a ship from perforation and the construction of a floating platform
operating Start of the understanding with the Krylov It are Research Centre. Contract with RosRAO
November 27, 2013
Fincantieri has tightened a Krylov understanding Is been Research Centre, Russian institute with which has an agreement of collaboration( of the 29 in existence July 2013), in order to define the plan of a ship from perforation to highest innovative and technological content. Moreover the Italian navalmeccanico group has acquired a contract for the construction of a semisubmersible floating platform for the transport of compartments of reactor of nuclear submarines.
In particular, Fincantieri will cure with the research center of Saint Petersburg the plan for a ship from perforation in a position to operating in particularly challenging conditions, in the full respect of the atmosphere and safety of the crews. The drill ship it will be able to often navigate in ice conditions until 1,5 meters, with environmental temperatures of -40° C and an operating autonomy of four months.
Fincantieri has explained that the memorandum undersigned yesterday to Trieste with the Krylov Is been Research Centre in occasion of the bilateral encounter Italy-Russia, held to the presence of the Enrico Letta, Prime Minister, and of the president of the Federation Russai Vladimir Putin, covers a remarkable importance for two reasons: "in the first instance because the progressive regression of the ice will be profitable accessible in mean-along period immense hydrocarbon reserves, of extreme interest for the greater international oil societies. The ice low temperatures and presence in fact, in lack of adapted technologies, have constituted up to now the greater obstacle in order to approach such resources. But - it has found the Italian company - there is another aspect that opens perspectives a lot important for Fincantieri, ready to that is to say answer to the always increasing coming energetic question from the market of oil&gas (that of the activities of extraction and production of oil and natural gas): Russia, in fact, previews to acquire within the 2030 some means tens like that object of the agreement, whose unitary value can exceed the billion of dollars".
the contract for the construction of a semisubmersible floating platform has been undersigned from Fincantieri with the Russian RosRAO, the Federal Enterprise State Unitarian for the treatment of radioactive wastes. The platform, that it will be destined to the transport of special material between the area of storage and the yards in the White Sea before to the kola peninsula, will be constructed in the Italian yards of Fincantieri with delivery within the end of 2015. The unit will have a length of 82 meters, a 27 width of and a capacity of 3.000 tons.
the acquired store clerk from RosRAO, ago I keep on the agreement of collaboration of 2003 stipulated between the Russian government and that Italian for the dismantling of nuclear submarines and the sure management of the radioactive wastes and the which beamed nuclear fuel, defined in the picture of the Global plan Partnership - started in occasion of the reunion of the G8 in 2002 on Kananaskis (Canada). Between the areas of participation identified by such agreement - Fincantieri has remembered - are characterized some plans, between which that for the realization of a destined multifunctional ship to the nuclear fuel transport coming and radioactive wastes from digestion of the Russian nuclear submarines. This ship, called Rossita, is delivered near the plant Fincantieri di Muggiano in the summer of 2011.
Commenting the agreement yesterday the managing director of Fincantieri, Giuseppe Bono, has emphasized as the day has been "doubly meaningful for we: not only the alliance with the Russian friends is strengthened by a prestigious order - it has observed - but the signed agreement today (yesterday, ndr) with Krylov sets off the operating phase of the collaboration with this authoritative institute of search. We are ready to work entirety in order to take advantage of great potentialities in the field oil&gas and that crocieristico, that it looks to new aces of development". "As first producer to the world for diversification - it has added Bono - our engagement in the technological innovation is unavoidable, and the agreements that we announce today represent the valence of partnership that we consider strategic, and from which are sure that still remarkable opportunities will derive".
the minister of the Industry and the Commerce of the Russian Federation, Denis V. Manturov, has been declared sure that the agreement which signed between Fincantieri and the Krylov institute "will favor the development of the collaboration between these two prestigious societies".
"This plan - it has evidenced the general manager of the Krylov It are Research Centre, Andrey Vladimirovich Dutov - is the test of large-capacity to the Krylov institute in the planning of offshore unit and structures to the vanguard. They are sure that the collaboration with Fincantieri will be profitable and carry to the implementation of plans shared for the total shipbuilding market".
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