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For the 2014 Cemar it previews a decrease of the -9,9% of the crocieristico traffic in the Italian ports
the Harbour Authority of Naples to the Seatrade di Miami
March 10, 2014
‘year, second marine agency genoese Cemar Agency Network, the crocieristico traffic in the Italian ports will endure a contraction of the -9,9% coming down to 10.285.000 enlivened passengers regarding 11.415.644 in 2013. An emphasized bending more regarding that of the -7% previewed from the advising society Answers Tourism ( on 5 March 2014).
Participating to the Seatrade Cruise Shipping, the main world-wide manifestation dedicated to the operators of the cruises that have been opened this morning to Miami, president of Cemar Agency Network, Sergio Senesi, have specified that the forecasts for the 2014 indicate 5.946.000 crocieristi in transit and 4.339.000 to the disembarkation or the boarding in the Italian ports. Down also touched the ship previewed this year (- 11.5% from the 5,113 of 2013 to the 4,525 of the 2014) and number of shipping presents in Italy (54 in 2014 against the 56 of 2013). For Cemar Agency Network, to the term of the 2014 they will be journeyed in Italian waters 143 various cruise ships against the 151 of 2013 (- 5.3%), while the involved Italian ports in the crocieristica activity will go up from 63 in 2013 to 70 in 2014.
"In the course of 2014 - it has explained Sienese - we will assist unfortunately to a drastic decrease of passengers enlivened in Italy, in controtendenza with the increase world-wise due to the new delivery major unit. The motivations of this contraction of the croceristico market in our Country are multiple, beginning from the by now famous one Decree Save Coasts that already in 2013 it has created difficulty to the ships that use up in oadstead. To this they join aggravating itself of the situation of Venice, than this year it will cause the loss of beyond a million passengers in the Sea Adriatic and that, if not resolved, it will produce an ulterior collapse of presences in 2015, and the numerous bureaucratic difficulties, that the shipowners discourage". Moreover Sienese it has denounced that Italy is "the only Country EU not to have simplified the procedures of approaches: still today - it has emphasized - in many Italian ports they are required border controls also for the coming ships from Countries of the Schengen area. Without to count that for practical the customs ones we use a Regal one I decree old almost 100 years".
The elaborated previsional data for the 2014 from Cemar confirm Civitavecchia newly first Italian port with beyond 2.120.000 enlivened passengers, followed from Venice (1.790.000), Savona (1.050.000), Naples (930,000), Genoa (820,000), Livorno (590,000) and Bari (520,000). In 2014 solo three you carry (Civitavecchia, Venice and Savona) will exceed the million passengers against the five of 2013, while other four ports will be arranged between 500.000 and 1.000.000 passengers (Naples, Genoa, Livorno and Bari). They follow six ports between the 100,000 and 500,000 passengers (La Spezia, Palermo, Messina, Salerno, Olbia and Trapani) and then still three ports between the 50,000 and the 100,000 (Catania, Sorrento and Cagliari) and 14 ports between the 10,000 and 50,000 passengers. They close classifies it the 40 Italian smaller ports, than they do not reach the 10,000 enlivened passengers.
"We in particular signal - it has specified Sienese - the port of Livorno, than for according to consecutive year it will record a decrement pairs to 20%, arranging itself on the 590,000 passengers. The port of La Spezia, thanks to the new docks, will exceed instead the 480,000 passengers. Decidedly down also the number of the passengers in the ports of Civitavecchia, Genoa and Naples".
With regard to Naples, this year the Harbour Authority of the partenopeo port of call participates inside to the Seatrade with an own stand of the Italy Pavilion with the Municipality of Naples, the Campania Region, the society Naples Terminal and the operators of the field. "I consider fundamental - the extraordinary commissioner of the harbour agency of Naples has commented, Felicio Angrisano - to have resumed effective collaborations with the local authorities and that this already has been realized with the participation to Miami. An international window of first floor and that it will be able to only increase the attention towards a city and a region of great callback from the tourist point of view. This will favor also the port that has in the croceristico traffic one of its strengths". The port of Naples has closed year 2013 with 1.175.033 croceristi. The forecasts for 2014 of the Harbour Authority indicate a held general of the traffic and the objective of the mission of job to Miami is also that to try to grow the number of the already fixed landings place for this year (440 ports of call).
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