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the semplicistica prescription of the Italian government for I throw again of the portualità
From the same pantry Merlon (AP Genoa) it takes other ingredients and it reshuffles all
September 15, 2014
The bill n. 133 12th September, so-called "Slocca Italy", it is signed by president Giorgio Napolitano, published in "Gazette" and in the next few days it will begin iter the parliamentarian for its conversion in law. The so-called norm "Unblocks Ports", initially inserted with the objective of throws again of the Italian portualità and alternatively maintained or eliminated in the next elaborations of the governmental proposal, at last is confirmed to following article 29 of the provision that, with the exception of the rough drafts circulated previously, among other things does not contain the definition of new forms of autonomy financial institution for the Harbour Authorities neither the reduction of the number of the same ones through, as assumed in the past, their amalgamation in the harbour and logistic agencies of European importance of Genoa-Savona, Spezia-Play hooky of Carrara, Livorno-Lead, Civitavecchia-Fiumicino-Gaeta, Naples-Salerno, Gioia Tauro-Messina, Torres Cagliari-Olbia-Port, Palermo-Trapani, Augusta-Catania, Taranto, Bari-Brindisi, Ancona, Ravenna, Trieste-Monfalcone and Venice-Chioggia.
Art. 29
(Strategic Planning of the portualità and the logistics)
1. Al fine to improve the competitiveness of the harbour and logistic system, to facilitate the increase of the traffics and the promotion of the intermodalità in the traffic goods, also in relation to the rationalization, I rearrange and the amalgamation of the existing harbour Authorities, to carry out according to the law n. 84 of 1994, are adopted, with Prime Minister's decree of the ministers, on proposal of the Minister of infrastructures and the transports, within 90 days from the effectiveness of the law of conversion of anticipate decree-law, advance deliberation of the Council of Ministers, national the strategic plan of the portualità and the logistics.
2. In order to accelerate the realization of the projects inherent to the harbour logistics, within thirty days from the date of effectiveness of the law of conversion of it anticipates I decree, the harbour Authorities anticipate to the Prime Minister's Office a report of the correlated participations to projects under realization or to undertake, equipped from relative cronoprogrammi and the financial plans. The Prime Minister's Office, of understanding with the Ministry of infrastructures and the transports, selects, within next the sixty days, the participations considered more urgent on the base of the contained proposals in documents introduced from the harbour Authorities, also to the aim to estimate of the insertion in the strategic plan of which to codicil 1, that is to estimate substitutive participations. It remains firm how much having from article 13, codicils 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the bill 23 Decembers 2013, n. 145 converted with modifications, from the law 21 February 2014, n. 9 for the projects you turn to the improvement of the competitiveness of the Italian ports for the recovery of the traffics also between Europe and the East.
Saturday, in occasion of a debate on "Genoa and its held port" to the Festivity of the Unit to the Ancient Port of the capital of Liguria, the president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa has spoken about "its" proposal "Unblocks Ports", announced in recent days ( on 1° September 2014), that he has confirmed to have already sent to the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Maurizio Lupi. "Waiting for a radical reform of the harbour field, that I consider however necessary in order to be in tune with the communitarian addresses and for being able to face the total competition - has explained Merlon - I consider more rinviabile not to face some issues that above all regard the possibility of the main Italian ports to receive the great ships from 18 thousand teu and to guarantee it is smaller bureaucratic procedures is faster answers to the operators. Some of these proposals are unknown, others already resume indications and requirements manifested from various categories and to the sieve of the parliament".
The comment inforMARE
Always the disappointment is almost directly proportional to the expectations. It happens for the things, the circumstances, the people. Greater it is the which laid by confidence preventively in an action, a proposal, an individual, larger is the despondency for the result of the enterprise, for the behaviors of those people on which assignment has been made.
It can be previewed - quite to bet - than the negatività of the outcome of a project will be certainly live attended proportion to an excess. If someone hopes burning that "l '' volontaristica opportunity of collaboration between proposed Harbour Authority" from Merlon leads to a selection or reduction of the Italian Harbour Authorities, for a long time wished from the same president of the genoese harbour agency, probably will have to ricredere. It is as if someone disposed one to increase the national Internal Revenue were entrusted to a volontaristica opportunity of abatement of tax.
This is that happens on our planet. The remainder is sci-fi.
Who knows from which other galaxy Merlon comes. From the empyreal sky the president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa exhorts to us to depend on the goodwill of the men. With the inner calm of who he purges himself of own sins, satisfied not to decide or induced to Hush, on the earth the government raises the song of a future idyllic, pure and arranged to go up to stars. We painful people move the step in a more and more dark forest.
Bruno Bellio
The reduction of the number of the Harbour Authorities is not determined explicitly by the bill of the government, but if by it is discussed for months. Stopping itself on this topic, Merlon has declared that he is preferable characterize a volontaristica opportunity of collaboration between Harbour Authorities pertaining to the same logistic system: a collaboration - it has specified - through co-ordinate programs of own activities, of the duration at least five years, that it previews integration of the town development plans, the adoption of the triennial operations plans, the adoption of a common investment program, the unitary regulation on the activity of competence of the harbour services. According to the proposal of Merlon, the Harbour Authorities that will activate this procedure, than - it has found - would allow economies of scale, would have an acknowledgment anniversary of a 1% in more than autonomy financial institution.
Merlon has moreover specified that, for that concerns the sburocratizzazione, in its proposal norms are shown that facilitate the relative approvals to the harbour works, that they define punctually the specificity of the Harbour Authorities and therefore the exclusion of the dependent from the contractual applications of Public Administration. Therefore facilitations for Italian Railway Net in order to inside realize railway infrastructures of the ports, the acceleration of the concessions and the relative actions under the four years, shortening of the times for the ordinary administration actions through the attribution of powers directed to the president and the possibility to increase to the delegations towards the general secretary and the leaders of the agency. Al president is assigned the possibility to convene conferences of the stiff services to inside improve and to return the organization of the port more effective. Point characterizing for the controls - for Merlon - the idea to inside assign to the Agency of Customs the role of coordination of all the activities of control of the goods of the ports.
Moreover - it has added the president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa - on the organization of the job, article 17 of law 84/94 in harbour matter, is formulated proposed stiff to exceed the rigidities of the current system in order to transform the former companies in labor pool, being allowed they to operate in not closely connected state property withins to the exclusively commercial activity. Also a norm is proposed - it has emphasized - in order to allow maximum transparency, parity of treatment and uniformity on a national scale in topic of concessions of areas and docks: the Harbour Authority adopts regulations that must be subordinate to the opinion of the Authority of regulation of the transports instituted meantime. The plan then previews the elimination of the tax Local Property Tax from the destined state property docks to the industrial productions, the shipbuilding activities and railway and street infrastructures. Ulterior and a proposed important articulated, shared with the group of the pilots - it has concluded Merlon - at last regards the modification of the norms of responsibility of the pilots of the Italian ports, that it must involve also modifications also to the navigation code, stiff to conform the Italian norm to that of the main European ports of call. This limiting the responsibility of the single pilot to a million euro for event.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher