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a search evidences the possibilities in order to consolidate the crocieristico traffic in the port of Trieste
"It goes promoted - it has found mayor Cosolini - a serious alliance with Venice, in order not to always put again us to the dance of the fog"
November 24, 2014
The crocieristico traffic in the port of Trieste anticipates a altalenante, not constant in its evolution and indeed characterized course sometimes from bendings consisting, as that manifested between 2008 and 2009 and those, more recent, of 2013 on 2012 and 2014 on 2013. This year, moreover, the triestine port of call gets ready to record a bending of the crocieristico traffic on the year precedence movement just for the sake of fleeting (- 57%) how much for touched ship (- 37%): in absolute terms draft of 50.000 movements of passengers in less regarding last year, bringing back the values to about 30.000, and of about 20 touched. The crocieristica activity to Trieste evidences a search from the title ": the economic impacts and the possible scenes", that Passenger terminal Spa (TTP is introduced today in the giuliana city from Trieste) and from Answers Tourism, than precise as instead to Trieste the generated impacts the crocieristica activity would have to make to converge the interests of the operators private publics and the community on the maintenance and indeed development of the conditions that generate the acquisition of crocieristico traffic and the activation of all this that such traffic involves.
Between the opportunities that the city could pick in order to benefit of the effects on the economy and tourism of the landings place of cruise ships, the search observes that "Trieste has succeeded during the last few years to acquire a profile mostly of boarding port, certainly favorable condition and in a position to activating it behind put up benefits for the same harbour company and the territory, stimulating and involving productions also less logically connected to the crocieristica. It is therefore in such direction - the study explains - that it would have to continue to head, without to neglect the contribution that can arrive in transit from handling of passengers. It is but true that for being a success home port would be opportune to possess some characteristics, not all at the moment available to Trieste, before between all accessibility, aerial but not only, adapted to allow with the question that tip to attract itself to reach the boarding port easily. A potential question that, if of Trieste, is represented by an important part of Italy, entire Centro Europa and Europe of the East, this last one certainly at the moment not still in a position to expressing interesting numbers. V'è doubt in any case that the so-called catchment area has dimensions than more considerable in order to allow to continue to imagine able Trieste to increase own traffic and not to make above all proposing it which home port".
According to the study, putting into effect initiatives that allow to pick these opportunities, Trieste can aim at to conquer a more solid position in Mediterranean crocieristica geography. "It is difficult - precise the search - to preview with which credible quantitative objectives. Of sure it is possible to support as up to now reached traffic is wide to the capacity to exceed also the highest level than, included that previewed for 2015. It is possible also to consider credible to succeed to double the medium level of passages during the last few years fleeting ships and movements recorded, and therefore to see recorded to year-end a total touched in a scissor between the 80 and the 100 and a fleeting total movement in an interval between the 180,000 and the 220.000. But those that is perhaps still more important - emphasizes the document - it is to succeed in the attempt of giving to stability to the traffic and the performances, avoiding repeating themselves of so meaningful variations and repentine that destabilize managerial dynamics and return more complex the definition than strategies of long period and the destination of investments adapted to support".
President of Trieste Terminal Passeggeri considers that today there are the conditions in order to pick these opportunities: "we are happy - Antonio Paoletti in the course of the encounter of presentation of the search has said - for having found in the Region, with Debora Serracchiani, and in the Municipality of Trieste, with Roberto Cosolini, two interlocutors who believe in the potentialities and the fallen back ones of the traffic of the white ships in the chief town of the Friuli Venice Julia. That which exits from the today's encounter is a united city that believes in the crocieristico business and in the economic induced one that is generated. The 70,200 crocieristi of 2013 from the study realized from Answers Tourism would have spold to earth about 4,5 million euros to which they add 220 thousand euros of direct expense of the members of the crews. Numbers that give the next year, as demonstrate also the synthesis of the search, will change the role of Trieste in national the crocieristico panorama".
After the presentation of the search by Francesco di Cesar, president of Answers Turismo, moderated by the director of "Ship2Shore", Angelo Scorza, is taken part Debora Serracchiani, Roberto Cosolini, the managing director of TTP, Franco Napp, and the director of Confcommercio, Pietro Farina.
Debora Serracchiani has remembered how much "the Region is active", citing the protocols sign with Costa Crociere where, involving Trenitalia and Ferrovie, tip to a definitive resolution in 2016 of the velocizzazione of the railway drafts towards Venice and Milan. "The Region moreover - it has added - has opened of the tables of job with the interlocutors of the territory is for the optimization of the displacements of the crocieristi insides to the city, is for the creation of offers for the same crocieristi during their pause".
Mayor Roberto Cosolini has found as "Trieste, in this field, has a competitiveness factor that little other ports can boast: the mooring of the white ships - it has evidenced - is in the heart of the city. To Trieste, in fact, the landing place happens in square Unit of Italy, to little steps from the greater architectonic and cultural attractions, historical and right in the center commercial. This, in fact, constitutes a great opportunity for us. It must continue to work - it has continued - in order to perfect the culture of the acceptance, already improved regarding the passed years, and to enter in the order of the ideas that Trieste will be always more a city voted to the acceptance. I refer to tourism in general terms, task to the Silos (within 2018 will be completed its total restructure) and to the congressional industry, another opportunity that we do not have to lose. Crocieristica and congressional industry must cohabit harmoniously and not be weakened with relative superable contrasts to my warning to the spaces". "I wish - it has concluded the mayor - than it is continued to work in a collaboration climate, is between institutions is between operators of the field, in order to demonstrate and to offer to the navigation companies a planning of system who can give they certainties on the programming of the touched ones and of the routes for the next years. To such fine it goes resolved the structural problem of the terminal cruises with irrinviabili investments by concessionaire TTP Spa and goes promoted a serious alliance with Venice, in order not to always put again us to the dance of the fog. The fallen back ones on the territory of the cruises as famous they go upgraded in order to avoid the limits of "touched and dispel" in particular of embark and disembark: this is possible if the "package city" is proposed as possibility already at the moment of the sale of the package cruise".
Franco Napp has rimarcato the profuse engagement from the end of June 2012, given of takeover of the new summits of Trieste Passenger terminal, "in order to grow the terminal waves to invert the trend negative of seasons 2009-2011, years in which you they have not been ships in crocieristico regular service. Trieste - the managing director of the society has explained - is born as port, now is making it to become a destination. The next year besides the Costa Mediterranea who will be to Trieste in overnight, allowing therefore the programming of excursions and therefore to increase the fallen back ones. But besides Costa Crociere of the group Carnival world leader, world-wide others two players as Cunard and Holland America Line will come to experience the triestine stage also. Moreover, it goes found, also the Thomson group will be to scale Trieste in 2015. I would dare to say that the 2015 show an optimal season for the crocieristica to Trieste".
The director of Confcommercio Trieste, Pietro Farina, has assured that the commercial section and receptive citizen is "ready to invest as soon as there are of the opportunities. They go discredited - it has specified - of the false cliché that they attribute to the traders little availability to ulterior openings, because, by entrepreneurs, if the market demands it we is always ready to go in against to the question".
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