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Protocol of understanding in order to upgrade the connections between the ports of Vasto and Ortona and the Croatian port of Ploce
It is signed by the mayor of the Croatian city and by the president of the Special Company for the ports of Ortona and Vasto
July 7, 2015
Yesterday in the center of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti the mayor of Ploce, Kresmir Vejic, and the president of the REEL, the Special Company for the ports of Ortona and Vasto, Mario Miccoli, has signed an understanding protocol that heads to promote a common strategy in order to increase the connections between the ports of Vasto and Ortona and the Croatian port of Ploce, one of the terminals of European Corridors 5 and 11.
Roberto Di Vincenzo, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti, agency to which is under responsibility the REEL, has evidenced as the initiative is very framed in the insertion of the ports of Ortona and Vasto in the jurisdiction of the Harbour Authority of Civitavecchia, as looked on to from new the Slowly National one of the Portualità and the Logistics about to definition by the government.
Camillo D' Alexander, undersecretary to the Presidency of the Committee of the Abruzzi Region, has emphasized as the Abruzzi initially was excluded by the corridor of the European net of the transports, but the strong joint action with the Region Latium and the Molise Region of it has afforded the insertion, with an obvious benefit for the regional territory: the ports of Ortona and Vasto - it has found - represent the platform for the future of the commercial flows that arrive from the new Producers. They will be determining - it has observed Of Alexander - is the dredging of the port of Ortona, that it will afford to the infrastructure to guarantee the necessary services of connection to the emerged commercial flows, is the extension of the railway net for the vastese port.
The president of the REEL has emphasized that the competitive positioning of the Abruzzi in the great transeuropee nets of communication passes through an integrated system cross-sectional of the logistics and mobility between the tirrenico corridor and that Adriatic. Inside this system - Mario Miccoli has explained - fundamental importance assumes the ports of Ortona and Vasto, united to the Interporto Chieti-Pescara and the Airport of Abruzzi. The connection of the ports of Vasto and Ortona appears highly therefore strategic with those Croatians, in particular with the port of Ploce.
The REEL - it has continued Miccoli - can have an important role of facilitatore and partner for the development of initiatives of connection between the productive dimensions of the two sides of the Adriatic. The protocol signed from the REEL and the Municipality of Ploce, than in Croatia represents the subject that governs the local harbour authority - it has specified the president of the REEL - engages quickly from the two adriatic territories: the REEL to september has in program the organization of an economic mission to Ploce with which it will be proceeded also to structure the partnership for I use it of the next bottoms of the destined communitarian programming to the countries of the adriatic area.
Mayor di Ploce has stated that the agreement will allow to restore the ancient connections between Croatia and Italy and to accelerate the process of union between the two sides of the Adriatic. Kresmir Vejic has remembered that the port of Ploce, second I unwind harbour commercial of Croatia, has a strong ability to expansion and that from current three the million enlivened tons of goods per year has the objective to arrive to 11 million tons.
The mayor of Chieti, Umberto Di Primio has rimarcato the great opportunity of the initiative for the two ports of the province of Chieti and in particular, for the port of Ortona, with its double commercial and tourist nature. The mayor of Ortona, Marcello D' Ottavio, has brought to light the opportunities that the understanding protocol will be able to develop and has confirmed that the next initiatives of collaboration will have a solid base in the port of Vasto, that detailed list has a productive specialization on the transport container.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher