Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Boredoms (Confcommercio): for transport it serves a logic of with, to greater reason if it is spoken about ports
the national plan of the logistics I like to Federagenti, "because - Pappalardo explains - finally it gives a substantial role to the ports"
July 21, 2015
"It is spoken so much about transports, but this that serves in the practical one is a logic of together. To greater reason if it is spoken about ports, whose logistics is important but always in the picture of a logistics of system to net. But still the importance at the level of competitiveness has up to now not been comprised to make politics of the sea with the consequence to favor the concurrent Countries, as in the case of the ports of the Africa North". It has emphasized today the vice president of Confcommercio, Paolo Uggè, having introduced the work of the seminary "the ways of the sea for the increase", svoltosi to Rome near the national center of the Confderazione, in the course of which the relationship on the "Development of the intermodalità is introduced - Freeways of marine arranged sea 2,0 and" realized from Isfort (Istituto Superiore di Formazione and Ricerca for transport).
Boredoms a logical sense to the project through the realization of the connections has added the necessity "to throw again the freeways of the sea giving sea-earth and sea-iron", it has said "yes to the liberalization of the technical-nautical services, but with the need of an eye much careful one to safety" and has evidenced the necessity "to exceed the competence conflicts State-Regions riattribuendo the governance of the transports to the State".
Taking part to the round table, president of Federagenti, Michele Pappalardo, it has placed the attention on the ports, having found that it is necessary "to accelerate the approval of the delegation to the government in order to apply the national plan of the logistics because - it has explained - in our ports is not-action due to the reform lack. If we go ahead so - he has observed Pappalardo referring to the recent alternations to the guide of the Italian Harbour Authorities - we have not 24 presidents, but 24 commissioners". "The plan - it has specified the president of Federagenti - us like, goes in the just direction, because finally it gives a substantial role to the ports".
For Michele Ruggieri, only administrator of Fedarlinea-Conftrasporto, "cannot himself be reactivated a vituous circle without support measures: it is necessary - he has specified - to place the transport to the center of the competitiveness of the Country being exceeded finally localisms and putting to the center of the choices the intermodalità. It is then necessary to favor I use it nocturne of the railway net to high speed for the transport goods and to favor the defiscalizzazione of the investments".
Regarding the requirement to introduce a rationalization of the system of the national ports Paolo Arena, member of Who reached of Confcommercio and person in charge of Confcommercio Infrastructures, has recalled an analogous process that, not without criticality and difficulty, is happening in the airport field: "also with not negligible differences, own of the specific modalities of transport - it has found - many criticalities are shared and, therefore, the goodness of a process of government and reform of the system of the transports and mobility finds confirmation that takes part in way integrated on all the various modalities, avoiding proliferating of sector measures and not coordinates, that they can penalize the total efficiency of the system".
The relationship on the "Development of the realized from Isfort and introduced intermodalità" in the course of the seminary emphasizes emphasizes that "handling of rotabili, also representing the main harbour activity of the Italian ports, often is neglected. In fact - the document explains - to clearly of the traffic of transhipment, the traffic ro-ro is by far the main modality in the segment of the goods several and, in general terms, between more consisting on the whole of the transits. Although this when the opportunity for the Country is assumed to assume the role of logistic platform of the Mediterranean, makes reference to handling of containers in the Italian ports, forgetting to consider that the communitarian and non-EU companies of road haulage already from years use the national ports as ways of market access of the South East European, the Middle East, the Africa North and the western extremity of the Mediterranean. Such sottovalutazione - the relationship observes - is perceived also in the harbour programming, if it is considered that from 2002 today, inside of the national panorama, little ports have chosen to upgrade own infrastructural offer dedicated to the transit of the rotabili, so as in the planning of the services, since the boats that serve this segment of market are often mixed passengers and goods (ro-pax), in some cases seasonal and tied to the tourist flows, therefore difficultly reconcilable with the requirements of the modern logistic chains".
The relationship indicates in 84,2 the million tons of goods ro-ro journeyed in the 2014 in the Italian ports regarding 78,0 million tons in the year precedence, of which 30 million coming or directed tons to ports of other Countries of the Mediterranean. The specific relationship in fact that 36% of the traffic of rotabili in transit in the Italian ports come from abroad and that such percentage is approached 100% in the ports of the adriatic side where the cabotage traffic residuale and is limited to least stable lines.
In the conclusions of the Confcommercio relationship, in order to totally pick the opportunities offered from the Freeways of the Sea, it proposes the promotion of agreements of net between companies of complementary transport and logistics, the coordination and the optimization of the various policies of existing incentive to the intermodalità, the widening of the positive experience of the national Ecobonus and the fast removal of the existing limits in terms of shape and modules on national the railway net (tirrenica director) in order to allow to load on iron the trucks and the towings from the directed ports of disembarkation in the Countries of Oltralpe.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher