Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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The Regions Liguria, Piemonte and Lombardy have characterized the priority actions in order to promote the logistic system of the North the West
Within the next semester States general of the logistics will be convened
December 11, 2015
The cabin of direction instituted from the Regions Liguria, Piemonte and Lombardy in the within of the protocol of understanding for the development of infrastructures of the North the Italian West, that it is signed recently by the three agencies ( on 14 September 2015), it has been installed today and it has characterized the priority actions in order to promote the logistic system of the area. They are the prompt nomination of the president of the Harbour Authority of Genoa through an understanding with the government, the nomination of the commissioner of the Third Pass of Giovi to go to a fast cantierizzazione of the third lottery of the project and to the finding of the resources lacking for the fourth constructive lottery, the location of a center of I confront with the government and Italian Railway Net (RFI) in order to anticipate the realization of the drafts of access from North and South to the Third Pass and to favor greater flexibility and competitiveness to the enterprises that transport goods and a considerable reduction of the fleeting times of distance along the drafts between Genoa-Milan and Rome.
Remembering that objective of the understanding it is that to intercept the increasing favorite flows of traffic also from the doubling of the Suez Canal and the opening of the Gottardo, the representatives of the three regional agencies have emphasized that the attainment of such scope will depend on the completion of the investments in from Liguria ports in order to receive ships of great dimensions, acting on the length of the docks and on their railway infrastructuring, on the depth of the harbour basins, on the space of maneuver in order to reach I approach it and in order to exit from the port and on new cranes for increasing cargo handling. To these measures it must be added to the adoption of more efficient procedures of customs inspection with the location of the "customs corridors" and the harmonization of the sanitary controls, phytosanitary and veterinaries through also agreements with the ASL.
The objective for from Liguria ports - it is evidenced in the course of the encounter - is that to increase the ability to handling in the field of the container of beyond next 50% in the five years, affording passing from a current ability to 4,3 million teu, today taken advantage of only to 80%, one of 6,6 million teu in 2020. An increase - it is remembered - that is wished also by the EU commission in order to reduce the volumes of emissions of gases greenhouse.
In occasion of the today's takeover of the direction cabin the presidents of the Regions Liguria, Piemonte and Lombardy, Giovanni Toti, Sergio Chiamparino and Roberto Maroni, have undersigned a protocol that the convocation previews, within the next semester, of States general of the logistics of the North the West in order to collect the demands for all the logistic row of the transport goods (trade associations of the enterprises of logistics, shippers railway, shipowning enterprises and managers of terminal) and the definition of a strategic document for the development of the logistics of the North the West that delineates the actions and the participations to put into effect in the short and medium term.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher