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the Harbour Authority of Genoa is lined up to defense of the terminalisti of the port of call
the agency evidences the grindstones of investments carried out from the privately-owned companies in twenty years
October 7, 2016
With I decree definitively of reform of the legislation in approved of harbour matter to the end of July from the Italian government who has not brought some change to the norms precedence having limited itself to put into effect an amalgamation of a series of Harbour Authorities, measure that some - with less perhaps expected - have greeted as epochal carrying out, remain opened numerous issues to resolve in the field of the Italian portualità that the legislative provision n. 169 4th August, properly titled "Reorganization, rationalization and simplification of the Harbour Authorities", do not face.
One of these is l '' harmonization of the modalities and the terms with which they are assigned in concession to the enterprises, second how much anchor today previewed from article 18 from the law n. 84 of 1994, areas and docks of the Italian ports. Until 15th September, date of effectiveness of the new one I decree, such modalities and you finish subjective are established by the single Harbour Authorities, while from that given they are istituende the Authorities of Harbour System (AdSP) to take care some equally subjective.
The topic of the allocation of the concessions or theirs I renew has been to the center of the debate in the last reunions of the Harbour Committee of Genoa, than recently it has approved of the prosecuzione of concessions in head to three terminalisti although the opinion negative of the College of the Revisers of the accounts ( on 6 September 2016).
If in recent days the issue newly is faced by Assiterminal, the association that represents the private harbour terminalisti, that it has restated that not sussiste the necessity to call contests for I renew of the concessions ( on 26 September 2016), on the topic the public part takes part today beside the private voice also, in dresses of the Harbour Authority of Genoa, with a note that thwarts the investments carried out in twenty years from the terminals operator of the port of Genoa, that is the concessionary enterprises of state property areas according to article 18 of law 84/94.
"The terminaliste enterprises that operate in the port of Genoa - explain the genoese public body - they have generated, from the beginning of their activities (around the half of years ‘90) today, fixed investments for beyond 670 million euros, various left again between the several sections that characterize the genoese offer. If they join 340 million euros of programmed investments from the three terminalisti that have recently completed their practice of concession, the quota a billion of euro is exceeded. Observing the data and the studies of the Harbour Authority, for other, it emerges that in the period comprised between 2007 (before economic crisis) and the end of the 2015 investments has made to record an increase of 60%, with a positive and supported course along all the period under investigation".
The Harbour Authority emphasizes that "the performances of the genoese terminalistiche enterprises are set in decided controtendenza regarding the productive and industrial picture of the Liguria illustrated from Bank of Italy last July and that in three years 2013-2015 shapes, under the profile of the investments, a situation of extreme variability connected to the elevated uncertainty of the macroeconomic context".
The genoese harbour agency specifies moreover that the relative investments to solo 2015 "are riconducibili in order almost 60% to the section of containers (36 million euros), than during the last few years has invested in increasing way in renews of the systems and of the equipment harbour, besides the realization of participations you during the last few years turn to the widening of the ability to handling of the terminals, considered the constant increment of the traffics recorded, passed from about 1,5 million teu of 2009 to beyond the 2,2 million one 2015 (+47%). Also the sections of the so-called terminals multipurpose (container, rotabili and goods several) and "specialized" (forest, metals, etc) - the agency continues - have made to mark a meaningful peak of increase of the investments regarding 2014. In the 2015 nine million have come true beyond 18 million euros of participations regarding about the relative ones per year precedence. Also for such sections the more important voices have regarded renew of equipment and handling equipments, beyond to an important quota destined investments to the infrastructural requalification and to the efficientamento and total modernization of the harbour terminals, also in such case consequent to a solid increase of the traffics that has turned out almost doubled in period 2009-2015, passed from 5,8 million the tons of 2009 to about the 11 million one 2015".
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher