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Today in the port of Ancona the work of potenziamento of Dock 22 is inaugurated
Delrio: in the 2016 Italian ports they have exceeded 11 million the crocieristi, an historical record
February 9, 2017
Today the minister of Infrastructures and the Transports, Graziano Delrio has visited the port of Ancona in occasion of the inauguration of the work of potenziamento of Dock 22, that acquisition by the harbour operators comes mail in a position to allowing the operativity of the self-moving cranes recently.
The dock 22 on the Pier South of the port of Ancona - it has emphasized the Authority of Harbour System of the Sea Adriatic Central - represents a strategic asset for the port of Ancona, than in 13 months of work it will have of a modern one I approach totally operating and characterized from a remarkable flexibility of use, to service of the traffics goods in several containers and of goods that in the 2016 has recorded an increase respective of +4% and of +6% on the year precedence ( on 7 February 2017).
The inaugurated works are the overwhelmed bathtub of the port, recently used in order to complete the dredging of the Dock 7th February completed Fincantieri preparation, the site of the extension of the rectilinear Dock, whose work will be started within the spring for the extension of 273 meters, with ulterior 35,000 square metres of new large squares, for an increment of offer of ulterior 140,000 teu/year, the basin of today operating the rectilinear Dock, that it will be carried to -14 meters of depth being profitable Ancona - has found the AdSP of the Sea Adriatic Central - the only port in the Adriatic besides Trieste to have of backdrops of such characteristics, and the Pier Clementino with the Ancient Port and the area of new banchinamento for the ships more modern conception.
For the realization of the work they are spold 4,3 million euros. Draft - it has evidenced the president of the harbour agency, Rodolfo Giampieri - of "an investment for a useful and oriented infrastructure at the market with the objective is of an economic return on the investments, than for an increase of the job and the occupation".
In occasion of the visit minister Delrio, that it was accompanied, as well as from Giampieri, by the prefect of Ancona, Antonio D' Acunto, and from the director Marittimo of the Marche, rear admiral Francesco Saverio Ferrara, has been stopped on the constitution in existence of the new Italian Harbour Authorities of System that, I yield last year of the new launched normative detailed list, succeed to the Harbour Authorities concentrating in a single agency the management more harbour ports of call. "The AdSP new of Italy as it carries of Europe in the Mediterranean - have supported the minister - they are inspired to European models, with thin decisional structures, that they favor investments, job, productivity. Here to Ancona an important job is lead. Ancona, for us is an irreplaceable point, one of the doors of the East. It must continue so and with the new reform it will be able to grow still better". "The AdSP - it has added Delrio - answer to the Ministry, but they belong to the cities. They are a common good of the territory and the local authorities. Given the starting signal today to new work, it wants to say also to be profitable concrete, to this beautiful but tried territory, of being able to leave again".
"The context of the portualità - it has concluded the minister - is good. From the first data we know that in the 2016 Italian ports they have exceeded 11 million the passengers, an historical record (Delrio refers to the traffic of the single crocieristi evidently whom the precedence had marked record in 2013 with than the little more 11 million one passengers of the cruises, ndr), and 10,5 million teus. It has been an increase year and consolidation, we must continue so".
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