Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Doyle (FMC) proposes that the companies of a shipowning alliance of line are corresponsabili if of crack cocaine of an associate
With the failure of the Hanjin - it has observed - everyone has suffered. It wouldn't have been less painful for alliance CKYHE - one has wondered - to make sure against such a catastrophe in order protect all the members of the alliance?
March 3, 2017
For the field of the containerized marine transport us it must be first and after. The section must demonstrate to have learned the lesson and of some to have drawn the consequences. The watershed between the past to leave behind and a future different is the recent failure of the company of South Korean navigation Hanjin Shipping, until little time makes seventh world-wide carrier of the field of line for cargo ability of the fleet.
It has emphasized William P. Doyle, commissioner of federal agency American Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), taking part tuesday to Long Beach to the seventeenth edition of the TPM organized Conference from the "Journal of Commerce". "Three - it has explained - are the things that I want to evidence today. In the first instance, looking behind, the things could have been made differently. In the second place, looking ahead, the things must be made in various way. And, at last - he has exhorted addressing to the operators of the shipping containerized and the segments of correlated activities - on the scene of the world-wide commerce all you of the supply chain need to find a way in order to speak with a single voice of the importance of all the field".
"Crack cocaine of the Hanjin Line in August 2016 - it has found Doyle - has been an alarm bell for the entire one supply chain of the marine transport. Beyond cargo 14 billion dollars - it has remembered - they were blocked in sea and the ships are dispersed all over the world in attended in oadstead or hardly to out of territorial waters. The ports were a disaster and tried to understand what to make. The truck drivers were blocked waiting for to withdraw the containers. There was deficiency of chassis in the empty United States because the container could not be taken from the towings. The exporter could not let out their goods from the terminals to the aim carry out a new reservation on other ships. This has lasted over a long time span and has had an impact on the entire logistic chain determining costs for million tens dollars in ulterior losses at the expense of the operators to earth".
According to Doyle, one of the lessons to learn is that "shippers and carriers need to work to the aim to supply guarantees. It is absolutely important - it has admonished the commissioner of the FMC - than this does not happen of new. The companies can fail, but the responsibility is of all, at least in so far as not there are the damages that have been after the Hanjin case".
For Doyle, in fact, "the things could go various. Yes - it has supported - there were the danger signals that could have verified a potential collapse of the Hanjin. However nobody has indeed thought that South Korea would have afforded to the seventh greater carrier of the world to fail. Now we know that this is exactly what it has happened: financial the South Korean government has withdrawn its support and has left that the Hanjin failed. They would have had us to be warnings by the civil employees of South Korea turned to the international community of the institutions and the industry before to detach the plug? I - it has asserted - task of yes".
"My fear - it has continued Doyle - is in association with the fact that subject supported from the government, as the Hanjin, provokes much worry. In fact it has been the Korea Development Bank that has refused to support the line company financially, and once that this has happened, it was ended".
A scene - it has observed Doyle - than is being repeated. "We are assisting once again - it has specified the commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission - to governmental financial institutions that take part to I support of companies of line in loss". Referring to the programs of the governments of Seul and Taipei in order to support national the marine industry also through the support financial directed to companies of line as Hyundai Merchant Marine and Yang Ming Line (inforMARE on 23 January, 14 and 20 February 2017), Doyle has specified that "between these there are, promoted from South Korea, the Korea Shipping Company, the Korea Development Bank, the Export-import Bank of Korea and the Korea Asset Management Corporation. Moreover we are reading of the National Development Bank of the government of Taiwan Government and the Communication and Ministry of Transportation of Taiwan"
"My worry - Doyle has explained - is on which it is the critical point in which a government a company of line to the failure is withdrawn and abandoned, as we have already seen".
For Doyle, "from now on the things must be made differently. We need guarantees". The next passage of the participation of the commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission, seems to constitute a real stray mine that could horrify the main world-wide companies of navigation that services of containerized transport operate, than for a long time is coordinating own efforts in order to propose to the customers a total offer without to resort to excessive investments. According to Doyle, in fact, the new alliances between the shipowners of the line field that get ready to become operating "must be corresponsabili for their companies partner. If, in order to form alliances, they obtain detailed lists exemptions regarding the normative antitrust - it has declared - then it is necessary to make sure that the customers of the shipping are dealt you in just way".
"I consider absolutely - it has clarified Doyle - than if it is about to enter in an alliance is responsibility of the members of the alliance to guarantee that the cargos arrive where must go. If a carrier fails and such carrier is part of an alliance - an unknown proposal has said Doyle being left over - the transported cargos on board of ships of the bankrupt company can only correspond to a third party of the transported containerized volumes. The others two third party of the container can compete to the Federal Maritime Commission which in charge of the regulation of international the marine transport of the nation for the benefit of the exporter, the importers and the consumer American. The mission of the Commission - it has remembered - is that to favor a system of transport marine international fair, efficient, and reliable, protect the public one from practical treacherous and deceptive. Therefore - it has said addressing the representatives of the containerized marine transport - it is essential that all you assume the responsibility".
"The responsibility - it has specified - is that to carry the ship in port and to make to unload it, to carry the empty containers on board and to bring back the ship in sea. The field - according to Doyle - must examine options as, for example, contracts of assurance or pools in order protect the loaders from the fallen back ones of the collapse of a carrier". Us they could be problems - it has admitted - with mechanisms of financing connected to catastrophic failures, since the deep ones could be subject to the protection of the rights of the creditors in case of failure. However this must be object of study all over the world and from part yours which private sector, if not wished that the governments arrive and impose these measures of safeguard through norms".
Listing the effects caused from the failure of Hanjin Shipping on the commercial exchanges, the ports and the operators, Doyle it has remembered that the ships of the Hanjin "not only transported cargos of the Hanjin, but also of the other members of alliance CKYHE", alliance that the South Korean company beside Chinese COSCO saw Container Lines (COSCON), of the Japanese Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha ("K" Linens) and of the taiwanesi Yang Ming Line and Evergreen Line. "Everyone - it has observed Doyle - has suffered. It would not have been less painful for the alliance - one has wondered - to make sure against such a catastrophe in order protect all the members of the alliance"
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