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Port of Ancona, in 2017 in increase the fleeting ones, ro-ro and solid bulk and decrease of liquid bulk and container
The total has been of 8,6 million tons of goods and 1,1 million passengers
February 19, 2018
In the 2017 port of Ancona it has enlivened 8,6 million tons of goods, with a decrease of the -3% on the year precedence. The contraction is determined is from the reduction of the liquid bulk volume (- 8%), that it is piled to 4,6 million tons, with a bending due to the minor traffic in the refinery of Falconara Marittima regarding the 2016 (year boom of the traffic with a higher than average volume pairs to five million tons), is from the reduction of the containerized cargo volume, than have been attested 1,1 million to tons (- 6%) and is totaled with a handling of containers pairs to 168.578 teu (- 9%), decrement - has specified the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Centrale - conditioned above all from the empty containers in import, 12 thousand pieces in less, with a decrease of the -28%, while they have turned out in light increase the container full in import (+5%).
Such decreases have been balanced from a rise of the traffics of rotabili and solid bulk. In particular, the goods in the Tir and trailer have been pairs to 2,3 million tons with an increase of +5% on 2016, characterized for 20% from food and producing 18% from agricultural. The AdSP has specified that 83% of the goods in the Tir are direct or coming from Greece (1,93 million tons) in particular from the ports of Igoumenitsa and Patrasso, with at least touched to the day an all year. 13%, pairs than more 293 thousand tons, involve the Albanian director while remaining, beyond 99 thousand tons pairs to 4% of the total, has Croatia direction.
Last year the number of Tir and trailer has grown, with 148.263 transits (+5%). The result - it has specified the harbour agency - must to the optimal performance of the Greek draft that, with than more 123 thousand Tir and trailer, has marked an increase of +8% on 2016. Very positive, also it in increase of +8%, the Albanian director with 16.568 means. It has turned out instead down the traffic with Croatia (7,687 means, -23%), a trend - the AdSP has explained - than confirmation year after year, also because of the reduction of the offer of hold due to the term of the Blue activities of the marine company Lines in 2016.
In 2017, moreover, the traffic of the solid bulk has recorded an increase of +25% having attested to 581 thousand tons, with a result that inverts the tendency of last the three years.
Relatively to the traffic of the passengers, last year in the port of Ancona of they are journeyed almost 1,1 million, with an increase of +8%. Greece represents 73% of the traffic total with 757 thousand fleeting (+17%), the best one turned out of last the five years. The crocieristi, instead, have been more than 52 thousand regarding almost 55 thousand in 2016, with a light increase (+2%) of those people (than more 11 thousand people) that they have chosen Ancona as "home port", line of departure for their travel.
In the 2017 they have been the 28 touched ones of the cruise ships in the doric port of call. The automobiles journeyed in port have been 229 thousand (+10%).
Authority of System Harbour of Mare Adriatico Centrale, that it administers the ports of Pesaro, Falconara Marittima, Ancona and Ortona in which goods and passengers and the fishing and diportistico port of call of San Benedetto del Tronto are enlivened, has announced that the entire traffic enlivened in 2017 from the ports of call Ancona, Falconara Marittima and Ortona has been of 9,7 million oil tons, of which five million liquid tons of goods (oil crude oil and producing refined) and 4,4 million goods solid. In the ports of Ancona and Ortona they are journeyed 4,793 means in export for a total of 12.400 tons of goods. The total traffic fleeting on Pesaro, Ancona and Ortona has been of 1.095.395 people. In the port of Pesaro they are journeyed 8,643 passengers. The goods journeyed in the port of Ortona has been 1.034.974 tons, a stable data regarding 2016, with a practically unchanged traffic of goods solid and with a light decrease for that of liquid bulk (- 5%). 48% of the goods solid are represented by the cereals and their by-products, with a traffic of 295.608 tons, in increase of +11% regarding the year precedence. The goods liquid has been mainly diesel oil and gasoline. The AdSP has emphasized that to Ortona the new vehicles in export have recorded an optimal performance, with a traffic that is piled to 4.707 vehicles.
Commenting the results of traffic recorded last year the president of the AdSP, Rodolfo Giampieri, it has remembered that "2017 have been the first year of activity of the Authority of Harbour System of Mare Adriatico Centrale. A transformation - it has specified - not only institutional, but that it has marked the birth of an agency with a new mission, that has the task to put to factor common and to develop to the potentialities of all the six ports of call of competence, Pesaro, Falconara, Ancona, San Benedetto del Tronto, Pescara and Ortona. A strategy in order to favor perspectives of increase not in an optical of bell tower but in a vision of system cooperation. A virtual dock of 215 kilometers, to the center of the Adriatic, that it creates a great opportunity of increase for the Italy system".
Giampieri has expressed satisfaction for "the fleeting results of a traffic diffused, that it interests three ports on six, and being part, with Ancona and Ortona, of the freeways of the sea, that it gives to all the ports of the Authority of System an European role and an obvious added value for the productive fields of the territories on which they operate".
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