Independent journal on economy and transport policy
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Launched to Flensburg the second one ro-ro for the Honored group Shipping
The company has adopted a code of conduct in confronts of the road haulage
August 2, 2018
Today in the German ship yard Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft (FSG) of Flensburg, that he takes part of the group Siem Industries, Maria Grazia Onorato, the second one of two new ships ro-ro commissioned by the Siem group and rented to bare boat in the long term from the Honored one Shipping for being managed from Tirrenia is launched Italian Company of Navigation. As the binoculars Alf Pollak, launched to May and in phase of preparation in the same yard, the new ship has a tonnage of 32.770 tons, is long 209,79 meters, wide 26,00 meters and has an ability to transport of 4.100 linear meters of rotabili.
Honored Shipping it has evidenced the innovative characteristics of the Maria Grazia Onorato who binds together the adoption of scrubber of the last generation, that they allow to pull down the content of co2 in the smoke emitted from the ship from the 3,5 to 0.1% being made of the ship piú green of the world, with an exceptional energy efficiency guaranteed from the implementation of the norms in matter previewed from the international conventions, modulating in possible the optimized way more I use it of the power of two engines MAN to the effective requirements of the ship and to the quantitative one of cargo that transports.
Honored Shipping it has specified that Maria Grazia Onorato and the Alf Pollak binoculars, certifyd both from NVGL, will be prepared in yard in order to enter in service in the first days of the next year in the market of the freeways of the sea with port base that of Catania and therefore with a precise objective of marketing aimed at the market of the ortofrutta and the industrial traffics from and for Sicily.
The Honored managing director of Shipping, Achille Onorato, have specified that the new ships are yield of a direct investment of the Honored family that provvederà therefore to rent them to market prices, "or probably more convenient" to Tirrenia. Achille Onorato has confirmed also the order in China of four ferries the first two of which already in phase of formulation(on 12 February 2018).
In occasion of the launch of Maria Grazia Onorato the Honored group Shipping has introduced a "contract with the road haulage", a conduct code through which the fixed group own engagements in confronts of the street transport. Evidencing the condition of extreme difficulty in which he pours the field of the road haulage, Alessandro Onorato, vice-president and commercial responsible for the shipowning group - he has emphasized that "Italy must return to grow and - has specified - in this process of I throw again the road haulage, that he moves about 80% of the goods of the country, cannot be object of exploitation, blackmail and new slavery. The interminable tails to cross of the ports, the congestionamento of the nodes, the transformation in areas of pause to great risk of unexpected parkings and to risk it robs - it has observed - are only the tip of the iceberg of a total uneasiness".
The contract with the road haulage introduced from the Honored group Shipping previews the collaboration in the location of technical solutions apt to rationalize, to velocizzare and to return the interface less laborious road-ship also undertaking joint actions of collaboration with the highway societies; the realization of foreheads common in the single ports and the relationship with the Authorities of Harbour System in order to characterize parking and pause areas, let alone to take part on the phenomenon tails to crosses; the engagement in the lessened reduction of the cohabitation between means traffic of road haulage and various types of vehicles; to agree with the planning for the timetables better than departure in the next seasons; to plan essential services for the road haulage and the haulers in the boarding ports/disembarkation.
Moreover the conduct code previews the engagement not to bypassare the road haulage enterprises and therefore to avoid any directed contact, contact that can be translate in dumping goods in foreign market operations on the rates of the road haulage, to jointly announce publicly and to denounce any attempt of "blackmail" legacy to the fidelity to a single company, the engagement to work in order to level the market, to limit the action of the companies that they impose dumping goods in foreign market conditions and for favoring the increase of the marginality of all the operators, to favor the possibilities of access to the credit of the road haulage enterprises, rigorously through direct and not mediated contacts from companies of the group, and the engagement to strengthen the call center in a position to immediately shunting the necessities of the enterprises to the competent offices of Moby and Tirrenia.
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Editor in chief: Bruno Bellio No part may be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher