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Brexit, the British Ports Association asks the government to plant it with the slogan and to clarify as making to work the commerce
Ballantyne: "in last the three years and means the small poles are moved many times over and now this uncertainty must end"
February 4, 2020
The association of the ports of the United Kingdom has not arrived until the point to define indecipherable or confused the speech held yesterday from the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Painted Entrance hall of the Old Royal Naval College of Greewich, but however the government has invited to clarify "contrasting messages on the commerce". Nevertheless the dissertation of the prime Minister was centralized primariamente own on the commercial exchanges with the other nations, but objective - at least to judgment of who it writes - the vision of Johnson is comprehensible solo from which they favorably receive the only scene proposed from the political populists and/or current liberal and/or protezionisti nationalists and/or and always: what it invites "to take in the hands our destiny", with this "we" that it is all to define if not that "they" are in contrast with equally indefinite.
"This - its participation has recited Johnson concluding - is for us the moment to think to our past and to put again to us in march in order to reconquer the spirit of those ancestors I played hooky immortalized over of we - it has specified referring to paintings and to it frescoes that they decorate the baroque Painted Entrance hall - the whose exceptional enterprises have not only carried wealth, but something still more important: a total perspective. This is our ambition. There - it has aulically continued citing the "Ulysses" of Alfred Tennyson - the port lies; the swollen boat vessel its sail… the wind blows on the tree. Now - it has said referring to the Brexit, the escape of the United Kingdom from the European Union that Johnson but never not cited explicitly in the speech if in order not to specify that it begins with B - we embark for a great travel, a project that nobody in the international community thought that this nation would have had the courage to undertake, but if we are brave and we engage truly in logic of our mission - opened and revolt outside, generous, receiving, engaged to support the free total exchange now that the free total exchange needs of a total champion - I consider that we can achieve an enormous success in this enterprise, for Great Britain, for our European friends and the world".
While Johnson invites the Britons to go up trustingly on the boat vessel that would have to carry them back luminous destinies, more prosaicamente the British Ports Association (BPA) wonders what this means for the British ports, if their risen ones will be equally extraordinary or if instead the ships in departure and those in arrival they are not at all numerous and above all poor of goods. The association has invited in fact Downing Street and the entire government to not only clarify the business policy of the United Kingdom, but also that manufacturer of the country.
Johnson has exulted because, resuming in hand own destiny, Great Britain impossesserebbe newly also of the freedom of regulating own international commercial exchanges: "today - he has emphasized the prime Minister - to Geneva our ambassador Julian Braithwaite goes to the World Trade Organization and resumes the control of our customs duties, a real event that deserves of being immortalized in a painting: this country is exiting from the chrysalis. We are resurfacing after decades of hibernation as supporters of the free world-wide exchange". About international the commercial exchanges, Johnson has evidenced that "they are behind schedule regarding the total increase. From 1987 to the 2007 - he has specified - commerce he grew to a double rhythm regarding the world-wide Gross Domestic Product one. Now it maintains scarcely the rhythm and the total increase is in itself anemic and the decrease of the total poverty is beginning to slow down".
The direction towards which they must initially aim the British boat vessels that get ready to leave the ports are, according to Johnson, that anyway of Commonwealth, but also for Japan, the other nations of the Pacific and, naturally, the United States that - it has remembered - "they already acquire fifth of all this that we export". But Johnson has declared himself very had also towards the European Union, with which - she has asserted - we want a flourishing commercial and economic relation". With the EU Johnson he wants to establish "an agreement of free exchange similar to that of Canada".
Reporting to this last assertion British Ports Association has observed that, if the commercial relations of Canada with the EU are regulated by an agreement of free exchange that previews some measures of alignment, however seem that Johnson is not looking for "alignments of some type".
According to the association, therefore, the uncertainty reigns sovereign. "The time passes - has asserted the general manager of the BPA, Richard Ballantyne - and the field of the transport goods must know with exactitude which procedures of the frontier will be from January 2021. We have an excellent relationship with the several areas of the government that are planning the Brexit, but now need a clear declaration and detailed about the their positive vision on the business strategy and industrial of the United Kingdom with Europe and the world and as this it will influence the industries that are entrusted to the free one to flow of the exchanges through the ports of the United Kingdom. In last the three years and means - Ballantyne has denounced - the small poles are moved many times over and now this uncertainty must end".
"Now - it has continued the general manager of the association of the British ports - it is almost unavoidable that the promise of a prosecuzione of "a commerce without frictions" will not be respected. From three years and means the ports of the United Kingdom are being prepared for this discontinuity and are ready as they can be it. However we continue to being worried for the level of preparation of the widest field of the transport of the goods and the ability to the multitude of governmental agencies that operate to the frontiers".
"The commercial ports and operators - it has supported Ballantyne - must know at what the government aimed when he is spoken about equivalence, alignment of the norms and to agree parity conditions, things that are not the same thing. The harbour gateways of the United Kingdom manage 95% of our international commerce and about the half of this it is with the EU, great part of which happens through the ports that enliven rotabili. The ports of the United Kingdom have carried to term all arrangements reasonably possible in order to tackle to this state of remarkable uncertainty, working to tightened contact with the government, and also in the scenes it gets worse the majority of the ports will not go encounter to a great congestion. The block of some ports could determine an increase of the costs for the traders, the producers and, potentially, the consumers. He is therefore fundamental that the ports and the widest field of the transport goods know in the detail in order which type of future commercial relations with the EU would have to be prepared".
Also this - concluding - the British Ports Association does not say, but it understates: the hour has reached to stop to evoke the mirage of ancient heritages and to formulate fascinating prophecies. Now it is the hour to put the things in order so that they work.
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